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This is so horrible--made me really angry


New Member
5 Year Member
Wow when I first saw this I figured he was just a clueless kid who stumbled on a big lizard he thought was cool but never bothered to do the research on it and could be redeemed.

Now it's pretty obvious that despite having good information GIVEN to him he's refusing it at the peril of his poor reptiles. He's apparently not convinced that they're all falling apart due to the stress and would rather prove people wrong by not changing things and letting the poor animals suffer.

If his current crop of reptiles are in this kind of condition, can you imagine how many he's already gone through?



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5 Year Member
Yeah so he sent me the same message about how there is as much bacteria in the bathroom as there would be in a tank. He obviously hasn't been through a high school biology course. He doesn't use the bathroom to go to the bathroom yet he obviously uses it to shower. Hmmmm. I've asked him twice what his temps are and nothing. I also just asked him what his gu's diet consists of... this should be interesting. I don't even own a gu... yet, and could take care of it better than he has. Who takes eight months to build a shed? I'm pretty sure Bobby and many of us have built cages in less than a week.


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5 Year Member
Here's a couple emails.

no matter what you say no animals disserve to be in any cage and we do not own them to recreat their naturale habitat we own them for our own pleasure and you think you know every thing but you really dont so stop making stupid assumpions

You are ridiculous.

If you think reptiles shouldn't be in cages, WHY are you keeping leos, a beardie, two sulcatas and several snakes IN CAGES.

You are a child. You live with your parents and obviously they are not supervising you. I would NEVER let a child get away with treating animals the way you are.

I am a second year Zoology student with my own apartment, and my own animals and EVERYTHING I own is set up in a naturalistic environment so that their stress is at a minimum.

Your sulcatas are BOTH pyramided, your beardie is nearly black and COVERED in stress markings and your tegu lives in the BATHROOM on a cold tile floor devoid of substrate.

I keep reptiles so I can observe their natural behaviors, and yes, enjoy them.

You seem to keep reptiles so you can BRAG about your big lizard, and big tortoises and your OH so scary snakes.

Your reptiles are being mistreated.

And the sad part is you are willingly, and knowingly, doing so.

wow ok one sulcata has pyamiding because when i got from the pet store it already had it and my beardie is dark because of its sand

and what am i doing that is so bad to my animals

and my tgu is in there because im building a shed what do you want me to do throw it outside like its previous owners

also the tile may be cold but if my tegu fells cold it goes and basks soooo there is nothing wronge there


I hope you enjoy what you are doing to her. You seem to have no problem with it.

People like you shouldn't be allowed to LOOK at animals, let alone own them.


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5 Year Member
Ugh. The arrogance, the heartlessness. Good god, how do people get to be like this? I understand humans tend to humanize their animals to a point where it's silly, but this kid is the polar opposite. That is like serial killer mentality.

His attitude just screams "These animals exist for my amusement! Dance critters dance! Your trivial life and death struggles only take place so I can put them on youtube to get attention from strangers because my parents won't give it to me!"

How do people get like that?!


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5 Year Member
what I just got form him:
ha very funny miss perfect and what dont you understand about im building a shed and plus if i sold her to you you would prob put her in some tiny cage that is nothing like a nice big shed

my response:
If I had her, she would have a custom enclosure 6 ft long, 3 ft wide, and 3 ft tall with 7-10 inches of substrate to burrow into, proper UVB lamps, a basking platform and a waterdish big enough for her to get in and out of comfortably. There would be stationary plants, and rocks in it, to recreate some of her natural habitat, and to stimulate natural behaviors.

She would be interacted with, and loved, just like my other tegu, and all my other animals. Watch my videos. She would have an enclosure like THAT. Only big enough that she can comfortably move, and live within it.

She would have SUPERVISED free roam time, in a nice warm room, and be taken outside in the summer.

She would be taken care of properly.

I hope someday you feel bad about the way you are treating her. It is obvious, that isn't going to happen now.


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5 Year Member
OMG. He messaged me this is what it said

"ok cool but im not the one who killed a tegu so why take advice from you"

The other message he sent

"ok im not building the shed by my self im getting help from someone at my church and you can watch that video now i have uvb/a andi love my tegu why are you so mad?"

This truely pushed me over. He is the most ignorant kid ever. He told me i killed a tegu? well little boy did you read my description? or are you so ignorant that reading isnt cool? Im so mad right now. Oh and why am i angry, Because your killing your tegu


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5 Year Member
Oh and his beardie is not black because of the sand. I keep my beardies on black sand and their orange. Also Tyranus02 on youtube has a beardie on black sand and its beautiful.


New Member
5 Year Member
Well clearly he's reading this thread or checking out the forums if he knew enough to jab you about your recent loss =/

If you're reading:
Man, we aren't attacking you for the sake of attacking you, there are horrible problems with your husbandry that you AREN'T addressing. You're using the fact that the tegu appears to be in good health as a defense, what you're overlooking is the fact that reptiles are VERY hardy creatures and will not reveal illness until they're on death's door. You're sending that poor tegu to an early grave, and are refusing to even acknowledge good advice given by people with much more experience than you.

The shed is an idea, but depending on where you live winter temperatures are going to get way too low for a tropical reptile so you would need to provide for ADEQUATE indoor housing. Lastly, for the love of god give that lizard something to burrow in, you have no idea how stressed out she is!


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5 Year Member
Zilch said:
Well clearly he's reading this thread or checking out the forums if he knew enough to jab you about your recent loss =/

If you're reading:
Man, we aren't attacking you for the sake of attacking you, there are horrible problems with your husbandry that you AREN'T addressing. You're using the fact that the tegu appears to be in good health as a defense, what you're overlooking is the fact that reptiles are VERY hardy creatures and will not reveal illness until they're on death's door. You're sending that poor tegu to an early grave, and are refusing to even acknowledge good advice given by people with much more experience than you.

The shed is an idea, but depending on where you live winter temperatures are going to get way too low for a tropical reptile so you would need to provide for ADEQUATE indoor housing. Lastly, for the love of god give that lizard something to burrow in, you have no idea how stressed out she is!
Hes jabbing at me because of the tribute video I have for Xander


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5 Year Member
This is what I just got from him:
"she does not hibernate and in the shed will be insulation and a heater and i have not built a shed yet because i moved a few months ago and dont worrie so much it is in good hand i know what im doing in its new home it will have plenty of substrate"
So how does he know if she hibernates or not? And why shouldn't I worry? Did he not worry about Michael Vick doing what he did to those dogs? Did he not find that sickening?


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5 Year Member
He just thinks he knows everything.

He said
yeah it was a baby there is not much that could have gone wronge you killed it dont blame it on previous owners it seems like when you got it it stated dieing

I said
They did not provide proper husbandry witch caused it to have brittle bones. They told me it was four months old. I had him for a month witch made him five months old. I got a healthy tegu from bobby hill that was only 3 months old and double the size of the 5 month old. So dont even tell me it was my fault. He went through two sheds and also ate like a horse on good food obviously something you have no idea about.

Oh and nice spelling kid lol.
Dieing kinda of like what yours is doing now? Hmm hypocrite much?

Oh yea this is the tribute i made
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TWIrhycZI8" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TWIrhycZI8</a><!-- m -->


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5 Year Member
Well he feeds her mice, ground beef, canned dog food, canned grass hoppers, and other things. Oh and its lean ground beef.


5 Year Member
wow this got crazy fast. It does not matter how much we say to him.. He will not change his way. It is upsetting but this is not something to get stressed about. Yes i love animals. I hope he changes but the odds are against him


New Member
5 Year Member
Wow does this kid have something wrong with him?

listen to what he said
ummm yeah why are you saying something about my tegus diet when you know nothing about it.
and its YOUR FAULT learn how to take care of your animals and the cage for your new tegu is way to dark

Did he not hear me say it was the middle of the night?

Oh and this is what i had to say
ummm it was the middle of the night my lights are on a timer 12hours on 12hours off i had to wake my tegus up to get them out. The timer turns the lights on at 8am and turns them off at 8pm. Proper lighting also, My uvb is a power sun 100watt and a 2 ft 7% uvb bulb. The basking spot is 110 degrees. The bedding is a mixture of commercial grade tropical substrate 6-12in deep. I mist every day to keep the humidity up witch is something you clearly know nothing about. I feed my tegu Ground turkey, Ground beef, Chicken livers, Mice, Crickets, And STEAK. all supplemented with vitamins. The cage dimensions are 8x3x3 and I take the utmost care of all on my reptiles unlike your pathetic husbandry skills. My snake and beardies are happy, not to mention my beardies are orange and are on black sand and i feed them in bins so they dont get compacted. You told megg90 hes black because of the sand, no those are crazy stress marks. Oh and the enclosure for your beardie is too small


5 Year Member
does everyone realize that you are having an online fight with a kid? He is a teenager.. that explains it all

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