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Tegu Food List

Scott Hogge

New Member
Yeah, the shells are great. Even if you aren't feeding eggs, you can break up egg shells for extra calcium and mix them in with whatever.


New Member
This needs to be bumped and put back at the top.
Also, as for eggs don't give them more than about twice a week. And I crush up the shells in it and also put in my little guys veggies and bits of shrimp I got from the store
Anyone know a safe place to get live snails? Pet store snails aren't the best...


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Equal parts of cocktail franks, Hillshire Farms Lil Smokies, and saurkraut.


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1,000+ Post Club
Toenail clippings. Don't forget the toenail clippings. But seriously... once niles is up I'm definitely going to mix it up instead of just ground stuff with calcium powder. Boiled egg with crushed up shell and all sounds good. And going to order some day old f/t quail from haretoday. . .


Active Member
5 Year Member
This is something i have posted in an other topic. Maybe its usefull.
I never feed rats, mice or chicks. I buy sausage of cut meat, bones or meat and bones. I buy it at a zoo food website for zoo animals but you can also buy it for dogs.
It looks like this:
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But i feed also this:
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All kind of fruit

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Fresh water fish

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Frog legs

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I also feed them eggs.

I think my animals are realy healty and happy. I also breed them.
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If you feed them wrong the eggs look crap.


Active Member
I had talked about avocado's for Tegus with Ty Park a few weeks ago and he said they are very good for them ...

I can't say 100% that he is wrong but I personally would not risk it. It is very possible for animals to show no ill effects from a small quantity of a toxin, and tolerance can vary between individuals of a species. Toxicity also varies wildly between varieties of avocado. Avocado is known to be toxic to a large array of mammals, birds, and reptiles and there are no studies establishing a safe dose in reptiles. I personally wouldn't risk my animal on one persons testimony that it worked out OK.

I doubt having a small quantity is going to cause severe issues - but I can honestly see no compelling reason to take a chance on it. I'll put it this way - every time I see a discussion of dogs & chocolate there is one person that pipes up that their dog eats it all the time without ill effect. It is very well established that it is toxic but the size of the dog, the type of chocolate, the quantity all matter and just because one person got lucky doesn't mean it is a remotely good idea. I'd also say that when in doubt avian toxicology seems to be a very good indicator of toxicology in reptiles (and has been studied much more extensively) the strong toxicity in birds makes me think this is a very poor bet to take.

From Reptile Medicine & Surgery-
http://books.google.com/books?id=7A...#v=onepage&q=Reptile toxicity avocado&f=false

Other Sources-

Not geared at reptiles but relevant -
Parrots can safely eat many fruits, but the ones they should avoid are highly toxic to them. Avocado tops the list of fruits parrots cannot safely eat. This fruit's pit and skin are the most toxic parts of the fruit to parrots. However, even its flesh is highly dangerous. As explained by Bird Channel, avocado persin acts as poison in a bird's digestive system. While some parrots have eaten avocado and guacamole with no incident, veterinarians advise against including it in your parrot's diet because for most birds, it is deadly.

Concept Dragons

New Member
oh wow, Thanks for the info I haven't fed it in huge quantities but I did give it to him every once in a while. But I'll cut it out of his diet immediately.


Active Member
oh wow, Thanks for the info I haven't fed it in huge quantities but I did give it to him every once in a while. But I'll cut it out of his diet immediately.

Glad you found it useful! Avocado was one if the first foods I wanted to try with my tegu as well - got a bit obsessed reading up on the possibly toxic foods as a result.


Active Member
could I feed my tegu, Tank, canned tuna?

probably not a wonderful staple as it is pretty high in salt, but I do keep some pouches of tuna packed in water as an emergency meal for Loki. I've given him some a few times and he definitely loves it. Again I'd only feed it occasionally though.

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