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This Is A Call To Arms Will You Stand Beside Me?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
We dont know what the populatutions of other tegu species are like, now to take a few pairs and breed and export them thats fine, but think of how many animals have become extinct/endangered because people thought hunting them wouldnt cause an issue, take for example the american bison, with an animal that would have a very high demand who is to say when enough is enough(when it comes to capturing them)


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5 Year Member
laurarfl said:
In my state, they are already banned. You can only own certain large animals if you are grandfathered in (they can't be replaced once they die) or if you have them for business purposes.

Are Varanids banned in FL??

reptastic said:
We dont know what the populatutions of other tegu species are like, now to take a few pairs and breed and export them thats fine, but think of how many animals have become extinct/endangered because people thought hunting them wouldnt cause an issue, take for example the american bison, with an animal that would have a very high demand who is to say when enough is enough(when it comes to capturing them)

There are many species of monitors that get snuck in by labeling them as something else. Just shows that the customs employees don't really know what they are doing as is.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
But i do agree with montana,laura and james on the deforestation and the bans, i see it only getting worst, soon we may not even be able to own tegus, although we know the reptile comunity would put up a fight like with the big 9 act, i have a feeling they ay just try it


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Only Niles. However there is wording written into the laws that allows new species to be added to the "conditional species" list as needed. I foresee certain monitors and tegus being added to the list in the next few years, maybe boas. Right, the only thing that is prohibited are protected species such as gopher tortoises and certain native snakes, and exotic fish species.

I also wanted to add that sometimes importation is a good thing, too. The Hogg Island Boa may be able to survive in captivity and breeding may reduce the desire to catch and import, the crested gecko was recently believed to be extinct and is now widely bred in captivity, etc.
im actually glad for once im seeing a serious convo on one of my threads such as this :D such knowlage, views, opinions, hostility, love, passion, compassion, and debating. its very refreshing listening to all of you. :) i love you all for this :D and a thing..i usek ingsnake allot but i have trouble navigating the site.can someone PM me and help me loo kfor iguana or epxlain how to navigate the site? i get the adds ect but when i lick on them im often led to ap age where it just givesi nfo and nothing on actually selling the exotic. ect questioned reptile. :/ and atm im having a bad debate in my head baout later on this year between, Tegus/Iguanas/Uromastyx/Geckos, ect on what set up to custom build to house one :/


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Oh im not saying its bad not at all, if it wasnt for exporting i wouldnt be having this conversation with you all now, i just think with certain animals especially those in high demand certain steps should be in place to prevent devastation upon thaat specie
yeal ike when i posted this, i didnt mean everyone go over and TAKE whatever the hell they wanted, i meant like have some specially liscensed people go over, and take a few, and breed them in different reptile species. that way 1. other reptile lovers could eventually have them, and 2. if they ever did go extinct in the wild, then we would have some in captivity for back sources and plans. conservation in a way. itsk ind of liek Hog Island Boa, they say they can not find anymore at all in the wild and that they are all still alive only in captivity and in the pet trade thanks to breeders. which could be a future way of helping these beautiful boas once we figure out what exactly caused their wild extinction. i herd it was some kind of high minieral dosage or not enough of or somthing weird that may have caused it but im unsure. any ways im sure you all understand what i mean.


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5 Year Member
I'm sure there are breeding projects at zoos and other facilities in place to try to prevent the extinction of animals that we the public are not aware of.

The Varanus bitatawa, which has been posted about recently being a newly discovered monitor has been in the hands of herpetologists for quite some time, but that info isn't public information. There are certain things that are kept quiet to protect the animals. Not everything should be available to the pet trade. Some things are better left alone.

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