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Room For Improvement

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Just 2 I recently noticed,.. on most forums you're able to click on a persons name and go to their profile. Or search by name and pull up a profile instead of having to look through ever name that starts with the first letter in their name.

It makes finding people and sending Pms a lot easier. I had to do that recently and,... it wasn't fun :grno .

Make that 3,.. I just thought of another one while previewing this.

Fonts,.. I love to use fonts. Times New Roman Italic to be exact but that's just me. To me it's just sometimes nice to see different fonts since not everyone has the same hand writing. A lot of people actually wish they had better. I'm not one of those but,.. :-D I do like options.

I previewed again :mrgreen: so 4,.. and I'm done.

The Smilies :jes could use an update, don't :nono want them to feel forgotten :( , neglected :oops: and left :cry: out :evil: .

K,. I'm done, no preview just submitted. :-D

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
By the way,.. I just noticed at the bottom of the post it gives you the option to send a pm or go to their profile. I've been gone for a minute plus I hadn't noticed that before.

So keep it or change it, doesn't matter.

Although the other option may be easier for folks like me that didn't notice, are use to clicking the name or just new.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Just 1 more and I'm done for real :mrgreen: . My last post made me think of it but its a good option.

Edit or Recently Added;

When you submit a post and then you remember something like I just did. With an Edit option you're able to edit that post within a certain a mount of time,..say like 5 mins. After 5 mins its automatically added as long as someone doesn't post within that time after you. It helps with extra posts (like mine), more posts on one page and cutting down adding to post counts unnecessarily.



In general I think the current software we're using is rather cluttered and not very easy to read or well designed. I have my sights set on a really nice re-design that should increase usability and also give us a more modern look :) :) Big things to come!


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member

Display the number of people in the Chat Room in paranthesis next to the listing of "Chat Room" at the top of the page. This will allow visitors who come to the forum to know if/when there are people chatting.


New Member
Are we getting a little spoiled? This simply beats heck out of the old soup can on each end of a string form of communication! Not that I would know anything about that, its just that I remember my dad always telling me about it! Ha Ha Ha Ha


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
^^ I thought of it as I'm also a member of FaunaClassifieds. They have a chat room that is always available for members to use (like ours here) but very late at night and during the day there is rarely anyone there. In the evenings there are sometimes people there and sometimes not...

When stopping in to view threads, I can easily tell when people are in the chat room (number of chatters in parenthesis next to chat link) and sometimes I pop in to talk. I'd do the same with our chat room... although as Tegus are my favorite reptile, I'd be more likely to visit ours than theirs...

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