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pooping problems

  1. R

    Tegu Won't poop. Other new cage issues.

    Hello everyone. Recently I've moved my 1 year old Tegu, Ghost, to his adult cage, as he is starting to get pretty big. His new enclosure is 8 x 4 foot. his old one was only 4 x 2. His new cage also has a hotter basking spot (ranging from 110-130). the regular temp ranges from low 70's-high 80's...
  2. F

    Potty Training?

    I heard on a thread of this guy potty training his tegu how would I do the same?
  3. ag3nt 0rang3

    HELP constant constipation

    it seems my 4 year old Tegu keeps getting clogged up. when she finally goes she struggles to push out a huge yellow ball and then finally poops. it happens every few months. i try to feed her more veggies and berries and but she's very picky, only wanting meets and eggs and mice and reptilinks...