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This is so horrible--made me really angry


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i know this meg girl doesnt know a lot so if someone else could help me out and answer the questions i have on statement #54 thanks


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
hey its me the boy with the tegu look at the video and it doesnt even look that bad besides that there is no substrate but there is a heater,uvb bulb and i am going build a shed soon for her and the tortoises and please tell me what is wronge with her diet, my leos cages,and im pretty sure my beardie is fine. thanks please ask me if you want me to make any videos or any thing.
OH and she LIVES IN YOUR BATHROOM!!!!! Your beardies BLACK WAY TOO STRESSED. Your Tortoises Husbandry is terrible and well you have your leos on paper towels and zip lock tubaware containers. So yea all and all you arnt doing a good job. You told us your tegu's diet was mice, ground beef, and dog food. Well dog food is garbage. Mice and ground beef all the time is GARBAGE not to mention its lean ground beef


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
yeah it was more like you all coming to me bad mouthing me and alot of you told me to join the site and can you answer the questions or no
Yea we told you join the site because you were being immature and blocking us.. Oh and post number 58 and 59 have misspells in them im pretty sure if your 15 your in 9th or 10th grade. Dont they teach you how to spell?


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5 Year Member
Oh plus you went and told me my tegu died from my care?

I dont even see why im justifying myself to a 15 year old.

Well read this four page post.
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5 Year Member
i didnt even say it was lean ground turkey and first off im building a shed for my tortoises and they live out side in the summer in their big pen,second my leos i put together for the video and their is nothing wronge with their inclosure and the only two that live together right now are my adult female and male and that is in a 20 gallon.third ha my beardie isnt black so cheak again and you are missing some stuff in the tegus diet i would feed her vegies and some fruit but she will not except it and she also eats eggs,canned grass hoppers/also live.


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5 Year Member
Hey don't start on the teenager issue, I don't want to side with this guy, he does have some issues with his care, but I am 15 and I take excellent care of my animals and the tegu I have right now was rescued from another person who couldn't care for her so please do not call all teenagers immature. I think this kid needs to grow up and take proper care of his animals or wait to have animals until he can properly care for them. Also, almost everyone on this site has the spelling and grammar of a 3rd grader, so you can't really judge him for that. Some advice would be to build your tegu a 7 by 3 by 3 foot wooden cage instead of a shed, put in some proper UVB, because the UVB you have is not properly positioned, and put multiple heaters in there because they need serious heat. Also, add some variety to his/her diet and add some bananas, strawberries and other fruits. You can feed it calves liver, calves heart, mice, large hissing roaches, some ground turkey, and eggs can also be good but not everyday or anything. I am sure you can find everything but the mice and hissing roaches at a grocery store, and the roaches and mice can be bought online in bulk or maybe at a local store. I hope you get a really good setup going and you listen to the advice I just gave you.


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5 Year Member
oh and ive read all that crap of all you telling lies. like i dont privide uvb/a light,and all you are complaning if i use i toilit or not well i dont but i do use the shower and i am the only one and i clean her bathroom all the time so there is bacteria but i dont think it should be of much concern and i also give her baths about twice a week.


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
i didnt even say it was lean ground turkey and first off im building a shed for my tortoises and they live out side in the summer in their big pen,second my leos i put together for the video and their is nothing wronge with their inclosure and the only two that live together right now are my adult female and male and that is in a 20 gallon.third ha my beardie isnt black so cheak again and you are missing some stuff in the tegus diet i would feed her vegies and some fruit but she will not except it and she also eats eggs,canned grass hoppers/also live.
OH well excuse me... Your beardie IS DARK. Still MAD CRAZY stress marks. He's VERY thin and looks unhealthy. If you would like i could take some pictures of my beardies and show you what healthy beardies look like. She's also a little old for crickets there kinda like mints but if you feed them with other food then thats a stable MEAL not diet. Also what about winter time? im pretty sure it snows in Ohio but not in argentina. So thats BAD.


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TeguKid80 said:
Hey don't start on the teenager issue, I don't want to side with this guy, he does have some issues with his care, but I am 15 and I take excellent care of my animals and the tegu I have right now was rescued from another person who couldn't care for her so please do not call all teenagers immature. I think this kid needs to grow up and take proper care of his animals or wait to have animals until he can properly care for them. Also, almost everyone on this site has the spelling and grammar of a 3rd grader, so you can't really judge him for that. Some advice would be to build your tegu a 7 by 3 by 3 foot wooden cage instead of a shed, put in some proper UVB, because the UVB you have is not properly positioned, and put multiple heaters in there because they need serious heat. Also, add some variety to his/her diet and add some bananas, strawberries and other fruits. You can feed it calves liver, calves heart, mice, large hissing roaches, some ground turkey, and eggs can also be good but not everyday or anything. I am sure you can find everything but the mice and hissing roaches at a grocery store, and the roaches and mice can be bought online in bulk or maybe at a local store. I hope you get a really good setup going and you listen to the advice I just gave you.
I agree he needs to grow up. Some kids are very mature by 15 others not so much


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This is getting out of hand, repcoop18, follow my advice and your tegu will be fine. Tanman, he did take some low blows but you should forgive him he is trying to work things out.


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
oh and ive read all that crap of all you telling lies. like i dont privide uvb/a light,and all you are complaning if i use i toilit or not well i dont but i do use the shower and i am the only one and i clean her bathroom all the time so there is bacteria but i dont think it should be of much concern and i also give her baths about twice a week.
Did you read i saw half a roll of toilet paper? I know i dont put half a roll of toilet paper in my bathroom for show.


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Also, what is it with you guys and spelling put in apostrophes and use proper grammar please! And this goes out to both of you. Hahaha, not trying to offend anyone though.


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
i know this meg girl doesnt know a lot so if someone else could help me out and answer the questions i have on statement #54 thanks
So now your sexist? You didnt say anything about anyone else on here. Even though she has a VERY healthy tegu and not to mention VERY happy. She's also studying zoology but im sure to you that doesnt account for anything


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5 Year Member
ok see the funny thing is i knew just about all that and i dont know why but my tegu doesnt except fruits and vegies. also what is wronge with the uvb.and im building a shed one because my mom is paying for it and two because my mom wants more room in the house.and why are you saying i need to grow up and take proper care of his animals please inform me


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5 Year Member
Well, in my opinion Meg was a wee bit aggressive off the bat to this guy, but his response was not appropriate in any way. However we are not on some absurd MTV "Diss Off" this guy is legitimately asking for help, and the least we can do is try to help him and his tegu.


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5 Year Member
TeguKid80 said:
This is getting out of hand, repcoop18, follow my advice and your tegu will be fine. Tanman, he did take some low blows but you should forgive him he is trying to work things out.
well i want him to read the four page health issue topic i had for my tegu Xander before he comes at me with those "low blows"

Oh and as for grammar I would just like it if he spelled words correctly. Its wrong not wronge


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
ok see the funny thing is i knew just about all that and i dont know why but my tegu doesnt except fruits and vegies. also what is wronge with the uvb.and im building a shed one because my mom is paying for it and two because my mom wants more room in the house.and why are you saying i need to grow up and take proper care of his animals please inform me
Well because YOUR KILLING THEM. Maybe if you were more mature you would notice this.


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5 Year Member
Well, although I can see you are crammed for space, the bathroom will not work for more than a month max, unless if you got really creative and took it down and made it a walk in cage. About the growing up thing, I just mean that I wish you would buy him a cheap cage off of craigslist or something to last until you get your shed. The UVB is positioned in such a way she would have to be right under it for it to have any affect. About the fruit and veggies, they really aren't that into the veggies and I have never owned one that ate them, but try putting a moving prey object over the fruit or maybe thawing out some frozen mice and then mixing the bananas and strawberries and mice together, that has always worked for me. You could also feed her off of tongs by putting the fruit, dusted with calcium of course, on the end of the tongs and moving it in front of her to stimulate a feeding response.

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