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Winter blues.....


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i need my tegus to get out of this winter funk lol, they arent eating much, all they do is bask all day, i tried offering them their favorite foods but they just take a few bites and ignore the rest, and that only occurs 2 or 3 times a week, i am going to try bumping up their temps from 100*(basking) back up to like 110* and see if that helps, i miss watching them devour whole plates of food, i just bought like 10lbs. of meat and picking up 50 mice in the morning, spring needs to hurry up and get here


New Member
well it dus take a few weeks for the body to perduce the acid it needs to deigest the food they eat and the sun is the bigest thing to get that going agen sice it is wut makes it all work ... Roxy did not eat at all the first 2 weeks she was awake but now its game on with the food ... she just ate for the first time since october ... the lizard/dog/kid/bear lol all in one


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
yeah rayne went through a short hibernation, she slept from i believe september through december, she still sleeps for days at a time but hasnt went all the way back down, storm hasnt really slept in he is usually up everyday but had a decrease in appetite, i think its time for a new uvb lamp, this one has been burning since april last year(its a 160watt solar glo mvb)

Dana C

naturboy87 said:
well it dus take a few weeks for the body to perduce the acid it needs to deigest the food they eat and the sun is the bigest thing to get that going agen sice it is wut makes it all work ... Roxy did not eat at all the first 2 weeks she was awake but now its game on with the food ... she just ate for the first time since october ... the lizard/dog/kid/bear lol all in one

Actually, food is what triggers the production of stomach acid in most animals. I can't speak for fish. Eating very little or nothing at all is a sign of continued brumination and reduced activity. Tegu's, if left to their own devices, won't eat more than their activity level requires. We want big, jowley, fat Tegus which really is not the best for them. Most reptiles know when it is time to eat, grow and explore. That time is not yet here. When they want and need to eat more, they will.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
My AA is the same way, he will bask for hours, but hardly eat a thing. I put 2 rats and a 2 chicks in the other day and he only had 1 rat and 1 chick.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Dana C said:
naturboy87 said:
well it dus take a few weeks for the body to perduce the acid it needs to deigest the food they eat and the sun is the bigest thing to get that going agen sice it is wut makes it all work ... Roxy did not eat at all the first 2 weeks she was awake but now its game on with the food ... she just ate for the first time since october ... the lizard/dog/kid/bear lol all in one

Actually, food is what triggers the production of stomach acid in most animals. I can't speak for fish. Eating very little or nothing at all is a sign of continued brumination and reduced activity. Tegu's, if left to their own devices, won't eat more than their activity level requires. We want big, jowley, fat Tegus which really is not the best for them. Most reptiles know when it is time to eat, grow and explore. That time is not yet here. When they want and need to eat more, they will.

i agree, but im eagerly awiting when that time does come when they are active and eating and back to growing, im not sure about others tegus but i have never had a tegu(when active)that didnt have a huge appetite, im not worried about them they havnt lost alot of weight they still drink plenty of water and will poop on occaisions


New Member
well it is still early spring my guys done even get up on funkie days still just frum the preshur they feel kus the temps are the same every day in side my house but out side can verry quite a bit out hear lol the first thing my guys r willing to eat each spring is eggs in all its forms ...


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Mine are up, but in various forms. My smallest has been up daily and feeding greedily for weeks. My larger female is sleepy, but taking small meals. My male just woke up maybe a week ago, had his first big meal yesterday and is ready to eat the whole house it seems!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
See with storm he has his days(not often lately) were he devours everything. And other days were he just nibble, the same with rayne except she eats like once or twice a month if at all, I have seen her go 3 mos. Straight w/o eating anything but she drinks plenty of water, I'm just anxious for them to get back active

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