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Varnyard Stock


I'm another one that can testify to Bobby's awesome stock. I received a great 2011 Extreme Giant this time last year and the transaction couldn't have gone any better. Bobby answered all my emails (most of them were kept short on my behalf as I know he's a busy guy) and gave me a call a few days before Brahm, my Extreme Giant was ready to ship. At that time he gave me all the information regarding tracking and what not. He also took the time to make sure all my questions were answered and that I was indeed, ready to add this amazing animal to my household.

You're in good hands with Bobby as far as I'm concerned, and when/if I ever order another Gu, well, it will be one of Bobby's without a doubt.

Dana C

HeatherN said:
this thread isn't to bash on bobby for feeling slighted or whatever, it was to answer questions of the poster. it does no one any good to attack people over rumors or bad luck, in my opinion. like i said earlier, Bobby is obviously a busy guy to say the least without having to defend himself on tegu forums. I'm am very happy with how he has handled me as a customer and i have made that clear, now I'm just trying to help others with what I've learned. :)

This was never about "bashing" It is about customer service, what is good and what is lacking. When people make excuses for Bobby's or anyone else's lack of communication it makes me wonder about why you would have to or would want to. If a person is busy, hire someone to help so communication can take place in a timely manner.

As for me commenting on what I have read, it is what it is. Unless the subject of the comments responds with some sort of reasonable explanation, what are people supposed to think? So far all I see is flaming from Bobby Hill and not word one about why things are as they are.

Oh and Yes he does need to defend himself on this forum or any other. If he largely relies on work of mouth, which he at least did, he should feel like he needs to respond in a thoughtful and informative way. His public responses are anything but that.

Some of you seem to have forgotten that Varnyard is a business. The owner is in the business to make money period. When I buy something, part of what I pay for is customer service and timely communication. It boggles my mind why many of you don't expect the same.


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Dana C said:
HeatherN said:
this thread isn't to bash on bobby for feeling slighted or whatever, it was to answer questions of the poster. it does no one any good to attack people over rumors or bad luck, in my opinion. like i said earlier, Bobby is obviously a busy guy to say the least without having to defend himself on tegu forums. I'm am very happy with how he has handled me as a customer and i have made that clear, now I'm just trying to help others with what I've learned. :)

This was never about "bashing" It is about customer service, what is good and what is lacking. When people make excuses for Bobby's or anyone else's lack of communication it makes me wonder about why you would have to or would want to. If a person is busy, hire someone to help so communication can take place in a timely manner.

As for me commenting on what I have read, it is what it is. Unless the subject of the comments responds with some sort of reasonable explanation, what are people supposed to think? So far all I see is flaming from Bobby Hill and not word one about why things are as they are.

Oh and Yes he does need to defend himself on this forum or any other. If he largely relies on work of mouth, which he at least did, he should feel like he needs to respond in a thoughtful and informative way. His public responses are anything but that.

Some of you seem to have forgotten that Varnyard is a business. The owner is in the business to make money period. When I buy something, part of what I pay for is customer service and timely communication. It boggles my mind why many of you don't expect the same.

And you are who? Just someone trolling forums spreading rumors and wasting time. Well Dana, like I said, you have never dealt with me, but yet you form an opinion based on rumor. That says a bunch about you, it has troll written all over it, and I did not read that some where. Sorry Dana, but I will not feed a troll, I don't owe you any excuse, I know, that boggles your mind too, how is that for communication? As for me, I am just commenting too. :sleepy:
As for my customer service, you never had any, all you can do is troll this forum commenting about something YOU know nothing about, now I gave you response in a thoughtful and informative way..... enough said.


New Member
wow......... well this was all uncalled for this guys thread was about info on his egg, and others experiences not how bad the guy may or may not be. like i said if someones busy there busy, its not like time passes any faster or slower regardless the situation july is next month if we dont all have the hatchlings we reserve or neither a ship date then............................... be worried or pissed for tht matter.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Nice 12th post^^. And I'm with Dana here. Although I doubt Bobby's only in it for the money, he has a serious issue with communicating with customers that he should probably explain. Why people still trust him after last year I don't know, but that's their choice.


5 Year Member
I really don't want to get involved because I don't know the situation of what happened last year or certain peoples bad experiences. I have so far only heard good about him with a few cases of emails going un-responded to, but all I really want is my tegu. It wouldn't hurt if he hired someone to handle his communications I suppose but I don't know the man's life and if he can afford that or not.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Well to give a little insight on Bobby, I called him today and talked with him at least 30-40 minutes and he was very professional and had some of the best customer service. He answered every question I had and I never felt "rushed" off the phone. I sent a deposit today for a b/w female and he got back to me via email right away I have complete confidence purchasing from him and know my b/w tegu will come healthy next June.


Active Member
I call for an admin for this post to be laid to rest..... Bobby is and always be a great man in my book.. Enough with trying to bash someon on a pubic form

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