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Underground reptile's Purple tiger Tegus.

I just saw the video of the world first Purple Tiger Tegus. I think there were two, but If underground starts breeding them. They could have an entirely new kind of Tegu Morph. I for one am exited.


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It isn't a morph, just a hybrid. Another marketing ploy from Underground Reptiles.
james.w said:
It isn't a morph, just a hybrid. Another marketing ploy from Underground Reptiles.

Granted they are hybrids, but Isn't Albinism considered a morph in reptiles? And if it were just a hybrid then wouldn't the regulars have the same coloration? Probably not, it's a really neat fusion between part albino and regular creating a cool morph for these hybrids. As for a marketing ploy, we can say that most things are a marketing ploy, "You see that new kind of machine they built to cure the cold?" "No, it's just a marketing ploy so they can sell the machines and cold medicine". But my main point is, how do you know for 100% that they aren't morphs? How do I know for 100% they are morphs? We might not know. So instead of putting black and white statements we can all go to a neutral gray until we find out (Which might be never), but I digress, lets keep the marketing conspiracy for Reddit.


New Member
Definitely interesting, and I agree so much with Kim, I am REALLY curious to see these as adults, or at least Juveniles to get a better idea.


I'd love to see their adult coloration as well. I'm wondering if it will become yet more brilliant, or subdued.

Dana C

Before getting too excited about the "Purple Tiger Tegu" possibilities one must consider a few things. A "morph" can be the result of a genetic mutation and environmental factors in tandem. The color trait of this animal may or may not be inheritable. Considering that the one pictured is the result of a cross between different color variants, my guess would be that it is reproducible with some luck. That there haven't been more of these around, gives me the sense that the color may be an aberration and the animal may not be a morph.
Who knows? Time will tell.


5 Year Member
i agree with dana c iv'e been asking my vet and she said the same thing that most of the morph wont reproduce and some end up living till a year old a die...im going over to underground on saturday i'll take a video and post it for everybody to see them and hopefully hill sell me the albino one...he still hasn't given a price so that mean he'll over price them...


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From the genetic standpoint this is not really that rare. He crossed a het albino blue and red to get his female blue red maybe it was even an albino blue I don't know for sure all he says is the female cross was het for albino and so way the male. So really these are only 25% red tegu and 75% which would mean the albinoisum trait was brought out due to the blue genetics.

As for the paradox it will be interesting to see if it survives. I mean look at the red tegu albinos, I haven't heard anything more about them once they hatched.


5 Year Member
chelvis said:
From the genetic standpoint this is not really that rare. He crossed a het albino blue and red to get his female blue red maybe it was even an albino blue I don't know for sure all he says is the female cross was het for albino and so way the male. So really these are only 25% red tegu and 75% which would mean the albinoisum trait was brought out due to the blue genetics.

As for the paradox it will be interesting to see if it survives. I mean look at the red tegu albinos, I haven't heard anything more about them once they hatched.

whats up chelvis thnx for the help with my caiman i have the basking spot at 120...once again thnx and on another note will see what happens but im driving down saturday will see what happens if i comeback with an albino ill post pics up....(all be emailing you chelvis for advise)


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DrPepper nice to see you on the fourm and I hope your caiman lizard is doing well.

I with james on this most will be out of the price range of the average keeper. Considering blue female tegus are going for sky rocketing prices lately, albinos as hatchlings use to be $600 but its been a few years since then so I can't imagin how much a new cross, even unproven morph in the hype of people wanting to breed albinos and blue I think these will easily be in the $2000 range.

I fact he had to cut the eggs make me worried about their overall health, but it could jut me being a worry wart.


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I can see $5k. I don't see the appeal of albinos, I had a female albino and she was cool but I like the coloring that tegus have. Wish I had kept her though she would be worth her weight in gold now, lol.

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