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The Debate ((Please help & give personal views, perspectives, experiance, & advice!!!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
That is true, here in my city most people i see with green iguanas got them because they saw that huge iguana at a petshop( i was that person once) but in reality they have no idea how hard it is to maintain a green iguana, i got a male iguana from this guy in '09 that was so skinny and had mbd, he kept him in a 75 gal tank and wondered why he was agressive(he was 4') after having him for only 2 mos. He was eating a well balanced diet and gained alot of weight, after a few sheds his color improved dramastically, his jaw was twisted but it didnt stop him, he was still a lil agressive but he was cool as long as you didnt try to pet or pick him up, i wish i still had him
reptastic said:
That is true, here in my city most people i see with green iguanas got them because they saw that huge iguana at a petshop( i was that person once) but in reality they have no idea how hard it is to maintain a green iguana, i got a male iguana from this guy in '09 that was so skinny and had mbd, he kept him in a 75 gal tank and wondered why he was agressive(he was 4') after having him for only 2 mos. He was eating a well balanced diet and gained alot of weight, after a few sheds his color improved dramastically, his jaw was twisted but it didnt stop him, he was still a lil agressive but he was cool as long as you didnt try to pet or pick him up, i wish i still had him

imrather fond of galapagos land iguanas, red iguanas, white iguanas, and blue green iguanas. <.< and albino <.<
Toby_H said:
Your question is probably the most common question asked on reptile forums... and one that no one else can answer for you...

james.w said:
What are you looking for in a reptile?

In my opinion, this is where to start...

BlackendMetalDeathHead666 said:
well its not exactly so much what Im looking for in it... its more of a, i dont know which one i want and which would be most rewarding to have yet would bring that whole, exotic, in aw, prehistoric, wtf is it doing in our world, how did these make it, that livig exotic dinasaur should be mean but its so not evil and is enjoyable to be around, something, that id be really proud of...

Here you said "it's not exactly what I'm lookign for in it"... then proceeded to explain what you are looking for in it...

rhetoricx said:
I saw you had mentioned moving within the next couple years (at least I think it was you, forgive me if it wasn't), you had also mentioned doing shows with your band(s).

Then do not only consider what you want out of your reptile... but consider what you have to offer your reptile...

Way too many of us buy pets without considering how our life will compare to the life of the animal. Just because reptile X would be perfect for you now, does not mean it will be perfect for you in 5 or 10 years. But if that reptile has a 10+ year life span we absolutely need to think of that.

rhetoricx said:
I'd make some kind of chart, whether its mental or on paper.

I do not have any suggestions for you... but my best advise would be to follow the suggestion quoted above...

well i did listen to Alexi but ive always studied constantly : 3 and i meant by what i wanted as in what i wanted to gain from owning it, to be honest all reptilesl ook amazing to me so i didnt know quite how to explain what i look for in getting one with out the gaining of anyhting from it, though there are some things id like to watch out for none of it truely mandantory, its more of i cant really descide which one i want and even if i move i have wys and people if i owned it my self or more than 1 to tend to them while i am away on a daily basis. so im truely stumped on which i want while i have studied them all very much so studying and owning one offer 2 very different clusters of information. so i thought id ask every one here and see what all they said about what they like or own ect to see how their experiances were so i dont have a whole lot of suprises to deal with later on although id welcome any challanges to be honest. im just unable to make up my mind on which one id prefer. though i plan not long after getting my next reptile to quickly have about 5 - 9 more in my collection not long after. the breeders ect in our town apparently know me fairly well considering they know my voice and reconize me in public and have always offerd any extra help they can twards me. though im unsure of why theyre so persistant to help me out when i end up helping them out as well i guess its shivlery idk. but anyways, which i ever i choose i am capable of taking care of, its just a matter of selecting. theres so many things i love and like about reptiles idk if i could name everything.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
iv heard that the black throat monitors are rewarding. if you want a big monitor that is.same for water monitor and the lace. id really like to get a hold of one of those someday.


I think you should look at where you are going to be in 3 years. You sound like my son he also plays music and play at shows etc. If he could spend 95% of his time traveling with a band he would. I would decide what would happen if you were able to do that what kind of reptile is not as demanding. No way on a rhino they take 2 years to calm downa nd live a longtime, tegus and moitors needs a huge enclosure and if you are not around someone needs to be able to care for him and they are a big job to care for. I would go for a snake you would have an easier time if you had to move around with it. Their diets are pretty simple and most are quite content to be left alone if you are not around.


New Member
5 Year Member
You must have some preference to what kind of reptile you like. I love all reptiles also but I do like certain things more than others. I chose a tegu because they have that monitor type look yet are easy to tame. And remember there is nothing wrong with starting with something small.
rrcoolj said:
You must have some preference to what kind of reptile you like. I love all reptiles also but I do like certain things more than others. I chose a tegu because they have that monitor type look yet are easy to tame. And remember there is nothing wrong with starting with something small.

lol i lov so many reptiles i need a zoo the size of 30 foot ball fields ot house them all lol. my first was some kind of green and organge frog, then a green tree frog, some kind of aquatic turtle that was solid black, and a green anole. then i had a publen milk snake, then uhh i forget the others right now lol my last was a BRB. who i love and miss very much. check out these iguanas http://www.reptilerepublic.com/albino/albino3.jpg


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I find it confusing that you say you have people to care for whatever you get when needed, but didn't have anyone to care for you BRB for the time being.

What reptiles have you had/cared for I'm the past that you enjoyed? When I ask what you are looking for, I mean do you want a nocturnal or diurnal animal. A herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore.
james.w said:
I find it confusing that you say you have people to care for whatever you get when needed, but didn't have anyone to care for you BRB for the time being.

What reptiles have you had/cared for I'm the past that you enjoyed? When I ask what you are looking for, I mean do you want a nocturnal or diurnal animal. A herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore.

id of needed them to keep my boa at their house not take care of it at my place and no one was able to hold it on such a short notice or had room at the time, if they were to take care of mine later on they could go to my place and do it there and only if needed on their terms move it into their own house if they felt itd help them tend to it better while i was away. the only place i could find to hold my boa at that paticular time was a exotic pet store whos worker was a breeder and he didnt have room to just hold one. i ended up giving her back to the exotic pet store ig ot her from nearly a year ago because of this and he took her as his own and apparently has bought her a new setup ect. it was a mattero f not wanitng to wastem oney on somthing youre not gonna keep for a extended period of time you could say. my own mother would have thrown a fit every day til my father sufferd from anther heart attack and i just couldnt risk it. ill be glad when they finally are divorced from one anther. shes just morbidly terrfified of anything that doesnt have legs or has 8 legs. and as far as your other question, i guess those arent really worrys for me either as i rarely sleep more than 4 hours a day lol. and as far as feeding, thats not much of a issue for me either, i guess kinda like i think his name is Chris erm the guy with the 2 tegus in his signature reptistic or reptileaddict id have to reread his profile name, hes a collector and in a way so am i and i guess in some sense of the matter i want a impressive collection not a dull one but nothing out of hand right away which is why im not amping up go run and buy a monitor like id like. now when i get my own place that wont be as big of an issue.
james.w said:
I find it confusing that you say you have people to care for whatever you get when needed, but didn't have anyone to care for you BRB for the time being.

What reptiles have you had/cared for I'm the past that you enjoyed? When I ask what you are looking for, I mean do you want a nocturnal or diurnal animal. A herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore.

and in the past ive had like 6 different gecko species, a bunch of anoles, several tortises, turtules, salamanders, a bunc hof types of snakes boas pythons ect included, ive had chamelons, blue tongued skink, i at one time owned a few rattle snakes, whick i had a special set up where i couldnt get bit and didnt really like keeping them i just did it to study them a bit for a year and got rid of them, amazon boas, different lizards i guess you could say, and i used to help someone take care of a monitor he had allot ecause he was always out of town and his iguanas as well. he had a caimen too but i wasnt sure if it was legal hereo r not bc he was very quite about it. and he has burmese, reticulated, african rock, ect that i helped him take care of bc he was scared to try and feed the african rock and retic on his own which i showed him how to avoid problems buti guess their size scared him pretty bad because he say his african rock at one time hurt his shoulder and his friends had to help him get it off. granted i wouldnt handle his retic or african bc they werent used to it apparently he waited years before handling his and it didnt go so well. i ended up making him a big drop shoot and cage divider so he could safely clean and feed his reptiles.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
You definitely have to consider your living arrangements and future plans. Most of my animals are rescues of some sort or another.
well when my parents die i inherit this place, so until i get a major final home built i will house most everything here even while theyre alive. as soon as i get my own place ill keep a few boas ect there, but ill keep the others at my parents here. im suppose to build a huge shed in the back ass well then anther one with ac ect in it later this year. once thats done ill be free to care for and have what i want in it. itll be fit to live in but i wont use it for a extra part of the house itll be strickly for my reptiles lol. and after i move and set everything up ill probably keep everything here still for a few months til i get everything set up perfectly and can over night my reptiles to me or get them to me in little time as possible.

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