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Taming question


New Member
So I've had Yggdrasil about a month. She's doing a lot better about me but I need some opinions.

She's gotten to the point she willingly eats from my hand. (She's never had an aggressive food response and is very mellow about taking food from me or her plate.)

When I pet her she puffs up, snorts a bit then lays down and acts bored. She doesn't like getting picked up but I've been doing it anyway to let her poop in the tub and soak her. Should I continue to calmly and slowly remove her from her cage or should I wait till she's more accustomed to petting? She seems less freaked if I let her ride on my chest/ shoulder. Is that a good option?

Twice I've held her while she slept. Once she climbed on me to sleep the second time I removed her from her sleep to do it.

Also, random side question, I'd like to take her out. Are leashes an ok thing? Should she be more comfortable with me first? With birds taking them out helps bond because you're safe. Didn't know for tegu?


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5 Year Member
Wait on the leash until she really gets you. Lift her always from underneath.

Regarding petting vs holding, most important is interaction. Be assertive, and every day does not have to be holding but certainly touching and speaking. A recently-worn shirt in her hide is helpful as is letting her sleep under your shirt. You'll figure each other out. So far, positive.


Active Member
Man I've had my gu for about a month now he's growing like crazy and he sure hates to be held! I have to chase him around his cage whipping and hissing! Today when I went to put my hand in the tank he jumped and bit the hell out of my finger lol. I got assertive and scooped him up and I can't believe how strong he's getting! He was trying so hard to wiggle out of my hands and I just kept at it until he chilled out. Once he calms down he doesn't bite or anything however if I put him back in his enclosure he gets defensive again. I can't believe how fast he's growing its wild! Love the little guy he's so cool


Active Member
Oh yea without a doubt. I find feeding time comes first then some basking and then a walk in the grass in the backyard for some exercise! The bond is growing first I trained him to associate me with food and next I want to have him associate me with a means of spooning outside of the enclosure.

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