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Starting to hibernate...but ate?


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So Juancha have been starting to hibernate. During the last week and a half she's been sleeping most of the days. She still comes out every day for 45 - 60 min to drink and bask a bit. When this started i still offered her food, although she didn't touch it. So more than a week goes by and she's still out of her hide on a daily basis, so i thought to offer her some food. Poor thing, i don't wanna starve her :D So i offered her some fruits the other day....she didn't eat a single piece. So the day after i offered her again....and she ate almost everything(3 grapes and half a plum).

Is that ok?? Should she have ate?? I only offered her food to calm my conscience, but never thought she would actually eat any....being so close to start to fully hibernating i wonder if her metabolism still can handle the food now that she's slowed down.

Should i increase the temp untill she poops again and then cut her off food for the rest of the season???

Hope someone can enlight me on this one

Thanks for now


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Ok so i think she's a bit confused. She ate again. Should i stop to offer her food even though she's still out every day?? Been more than a week since she pooped!!! And today for xmpl she fell asleep outside her hide on her basking rock...she never done that before. I've set her cage temp to 60. Should i lower it a bit more??
Bobby i've read your thread on hibernation, but the complication is that i really think she has no idea of what to do. At first she was doing exactly like you say in your thread. But now she's doing some strange things. Her first hibernation in captivity so probably it's much different for her as well.
Should i give her a lukewarm bath and maybe that help her to poop?? can i do that now when she's starting to hibernate??
Please help me out here! Don't know what to do.


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I don't know why someone who knows about this topic hasn't respond yet...I couldn't answer your question, but I'll try to find someone who can.


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If she is going into full hibernation, she will stop eating on her own. It must not be cold enough yet.


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5 Year Member
Yeah i reckon your right Bobby. She's smart and probably knows when to eat or not. Thing is that it's all new to me, having a hibernating pet.

One thing though.....been more than 2 weeks since she pooped. And she ate at least 4 times. She does nr 1 every 2nd day. But no nr 2. Is it dangerous??


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i0r said:
Yeah i reckon your right Bobby. She's smart and probably knows when to eat or not. Thing is that it's all new to me, having a hibernating pet.

One thing though.....been more than 2 weeks since she pooped. And she ate at least 4 times. She does nr 1 every 2nd day. But no nr 2. Is it dangerous??

I have never had a tegu that had food spoil in the stomach during hibernation. I have seen tegus defecate soon after coming out of hibernation, even before they started eating again.

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