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Hi everyone. I have a very fussy red Tegu who is content on eating meat and ignoring all the other delicious foods I give her. The next step is mincing it or hiding it in her food. I've seen someone on here who made the most amazing sausages so thought I would try something similar with balls of meat instead.

I've found this website. It's primarily for dogs and the raw type diet. The meat looks good quality and doesn't appear to have any added rubbish in it. Can you let me know what you think please?

She's already suffered with one impaction. Temps are right (I checked with the vet) and humidity is OK. It's not the best bit working on it. She had two rats in the week of impaction so limiting it to one every other week supplemented with other foods. She didn't have to have surgery and we managed to get round it with liquid paraffin and tummy massages.


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