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New Black Throat ??

Dana C

I have read much of what is available about BT's from Pro Exotics and other sources.
Here is something which wasn't covered. I traded a Tegu for what the seller thought was a female BT. I noticed that when he/she was first put into her set up, that I thought I saw a hemi penis as it marked its new home. I saw it again when I gave him or her it's first bath today. It marked the bathroom, and me.
I think I read somewhere that females have hemiclitoral apendidges. Do they or do I have a male. It is ok either way. I just want to know for naming purposes and behavioral observations.

Also, he wasn't sold to me as "tame". According to the seller he is about a year or a year and half old and is currently about 32". However, I noticed that he really responded to my voice talking to him softly. After getting tail whipped a couple of times, he as never tried it again except for a couple half hearted muted whips. He comes to my hand and puts his head into or under my hand to be stroked. He closes his eyes and seems to really enjoy it.
In the bathroom, (I got him on Tuesday by the way), he didn't fight being picked up at all and seemed to enjoy his bath. After the bath he explored and climbed on me and marked the bathroom and me as well. He explored some more and climbed onto my leg, (I sit on the floor), up my shirt onto my shoulder pancaked and promptly fell asleep. I can hardly believe how much he trusts me and seems to want my company. Is this normal? Don't get me wrong, I am totally smitten by him or her and blown away by the temperament. I was expecting something much more aggressive. The basking area is around 110f and the cool end is mid to high 80's by the way. I am just lucky or is he / she special or will it turn into a Japanese three headed terror later on?

Is it a male based upon what I told you? I just saw the hemipenis again. It is definitely flowered which from what I have read almost 100% makes it a male.....I think.


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5 Year Member
Basking temps need to be closer to 140, this could be why he/she is so mellow. Definitely sounds like it is a male from what you are describing.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
sounds like this one has a good personality. i dont think the temp change is going to affect it that much. it might be a little more aggressive and spunky tho.


5 Year Member
Hi Dana, then he is a male. I haven't seen him to poop. So I just guess the sexual from the hand shape. Sorry about the missing guess.
And the reason I didn't state he is tame because he does tail whipping.other than that, he is tame..:)

Dana C

Ok, here are some pictures that are unedited and perhaps too large.
In a few I will post some names for your review and suggestions. I should add that as soon as I put down the camera, the boy came over and put his head in my hand, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Mind you I have only had him a couple of days and Riplee said he really wasn't tame.

Ok here are some names. These are all male Bantu male baby names. Bantu is the predominate tribe in Tanzania which includes the Massi and a 120 others. Most of their names have some reference to God or character in one way or the other.

Take your pick and reply. Have fun! The boy needs a name!

AZIZI - Precious One
BARAKE - Gods Blessing
BAICARI - Promise
BELAY - Superior
CHIAMAKA - God is spendid
CHIMELU - Make of God
DEMBE - Peace
JABARI - Brave
KENDI - The loved one
KHAIRI - Kingly
KINABO - Gift from God
MAHDI - The Expected One
NAEEM - Benevolent One
RAFILA - Friend


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Active Member
5 Year Member
Yes, a 30 degree increase in basking temps would in fact change his behavior. Bump it up. Also, monitors need to be kept on something that they can BURROW in. As in 2+ feet of substrate, preferably some kind of dirt/sand combination. It needs to hold moisture and tunnels.... With a much wider range of temps then you are providing. Aspen shavings and 110 degree basking spot won't cut it with a monitor...


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
yeah it will change i didn't say it woulden't. but if hes starting at 110 it wouldent be as drastic if he were starting at upper 90s.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Nice list of names. I'd personally go with Kinabo, Belay, Jabari, or Dembe. But if I had to choose one, I'd go with Belay.

Dana C

My enclosure is currently 6x3x3 which for his current size is plenty. He gets lots of "out time" with me as well.
I dropped his lighting by 3.75" and raised his basking rock so he as a 130f + area to bask in. He basks and then cools which is normal. He eats an impossible amount of food and is still completely docile.
I said it before and will say it again, no matter how warm he is, he will come to me, put his head in my hand and close his eyes. This isn't like my Tegu's who will keep one eye open for a while. He goes to sleep. His breathing slows and he associates me with something safe, comforting and cozy I guess. He is completely fine health wise and with a 130f basking area, his temperament hasn't changed a bit except his appetite having grown.
In fact, I think his tail must be hollow as he consumed over 1/2 pound of turkey, beef, liver, gizzard and heart with calcium and vitamins today. I have no idea where he put it all.


5 Year Member
Dana C said:
My enclosure is currently 6x3x3 which for his current size is plenty. He gets lots of "out time" with me as well.
I dropped his lighting by 3.75" and raised his basking rock so he as a 130f + area to bask in. He basks and then cools which is normal. He eats an impossible amount of food and is still completely docile.
I said it before and will say it again, no matter how warm he is, he will come to me, put his head in my hand and close his eyes. This isn't like my Tegu's who will keep one eye open for a while. He goes to sleep. His breathing slows and he associates me with something safe, comforting and cozy I guess. He is completely fine health wise and with a 130f basking area, his temperament hasn't changed a bit except his appetite having grown.
In fact, I think his tail must be hollow as he consumed over 1/2 pound of turkey, beef, liver, gizzard and heart with calcium and vitamins today. I have no idea where he put it all.

LoL, Yeah, He is a great eater~~

Dana C

You know Wenjun, I don't know what it is between he and I but he has absolute trust in me and really does come to my hand for attention. I have a couple of attentive Tegu's but nothing like him. He buries his face in my hand and is content.
I have also read a lot about about Ionidesi intelligence and am a true believer. They are closely related to Komodo's it seems and are very smart. All you have to do is look into his eyes and see the wheels turning.

OMG, I am turning into one of those wierd reptile people that think they have some sort of special communication with their reptile. Seriously, he responds to my voice. It seems to calm him.


New Member
Great looking lizard! Seems like those nails could do some serious damage though! Glad you two are bonding so well.

Dana C

tommyboy said:
Great looking lizard! Seems like those nails could do some serious damage though! Glad you two are bonding so well.

He let me clip most of his nails yesterday. He didn't love it but didn't tail whip, hiss or anything else for that matter. I think he just didn't like having his legs and feet held.
I had him out on the couch yesterday for the first time. He explored around a bit, checked out the cushions and crawled up on my chest and promptly fell sound asleep after I cupped my hand over his face which he seems to love.

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