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New and need help


New Member
5 Year Member
Hi, My boyfriend and I just purchased a pair of Tegu's. It was sort of an impulse thing in the sense that we didn't do that much research before buying them. We have a lot of experience with reptiles but not with reptiles that hibernate (real hibernation, so far we have not put any of our reptiles into brumation).

We didn't get a lot of info from the person who sold them to us. They seem healthy but I don't know if they are stressed from the change of enviroment. The person who sold them to us never said if they had been hibernating but we have had them for two days now and they have refused food and have been sleeping most of the time. Once in a while they come out of their hide for a drink. Sometimes if they are sleeping out of the hide they will open their eyes when we walk by. I am not sure if I should keep offering them food. We decided that we would just watch them for a few days to see how active they are and based on that dedide whether to offer food again. Are we doing the right thing? We haven't been able to reach the person who sold them to us. Any advice would be welcome.


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5 Year Member
They could be still hibernating, if so they will not eat until they are done. You need to get the larger cage built soon, as they will be coming out of hibernation before long. Also you need to have the proper UV lighting for them when they wake. Here is some information that will help you:

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Also, welcome to the TeguTalk community, glad you joined us!! :)

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