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Need help.. . Ordered male tegu, its female?? possibly??


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^Sperm plugs.

It depends, I almost always see their hemipenis when they poop. Two of my tegus leave sperm plugs with every poop the other one leaves them here and there.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I'm going with male, my extreme storm only recently within the past 2 weeks began "flashing" his male parts and leaving behind noticable sperm plugs, he is also from the 2010 clutch


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My male tegu didnt really get his jowls until he was three and I never flashes or has spurm plugs. Some males just take longer than others.


New Member
just realized his night time heat source was burnt out, we had problems with our electricity (fuse kept sparking and loose in the socket had to get socket replaced) it burnt out a bulb in the house, reallised his damn dumb expensive heat emitter bulb for night time was burnt out. that could explain him not eating as much the past two weeks, seeing as how his night time temperatures were probably too low since it wasnt working (i like to leave it on in the day time too, since im a air conditioning addict when im awake) ... that explains why he wouldnt eat past two weeks or less, but also hes in shed right now. and its fall, last fall i felt like he sensed it was fall and acted like he wanted to hibernate... anyone ever notice them act like they want to hibernate just because of the seasons change, even if theyre indoors ??? does that make sense ???

btw chelvis.. love your caimen lizard !!!!! very cool.. what kind of collar are you using for bosco in that picture ? doesnt look like a harness??? i see everyone with neat harnesses on their tegus, i was wondering if you guys could tell me what brands you use ? i have a crappy XXL ""leash"" leather harness thing, that is difficult to get over my tegu plus he doesnt seem to like it much... it seems some of these material harnesses i see some people have on their tegus on this site seem alot more comfortable for them. i dont want my tegu to be uncomfortable i wanna get one like you guys have !


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They can and some will hibernate even if kept indoors. What are the night time temps in the enclosure??

I use a XS dog harness for my Tegu, I was using a ferret harness, but it is now too small.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
chelvis said:
My male tegu didnt really get his jowls until he was three and I never flashes or has spurm plugs. Some males just take longer than others.

Lol I certainly hope you don't flash and leave sperm plugs around hehehe


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5 Year Member
I have a mesh-type rabbit harness and a smaller cat harness. They don't seem to like the cat one much.
reptastic said:
chelvis said:
My male tegu didnt really get his jowls until he was three and I never flashes or has spurm plugs. Some males just take longer than others.

Lol I certainly hope you don't flash and leave sperm plugs around hehehe



5 Year Member
colepinter said:
just realized his night time heat source was burnt out, we had problems with our electricity (fuse kept sparking and loose in the socket had to get socket replaced) it burnt out a bulb in the house, reallised his damn dumb expensive heat emitter bulb for night time was burnt out. that could explain him not eating as much the past two weeks, seeing as how his night time temperatures were probably too low since it wasnt working (i like to leave it on in the day time too, since im a air conditioning addict when im awake) ... that explains why he wouldnt eat past two weeks or less, but also hes in shed right now. and its fall, last fall i felt like he sensed it was fall and acted like he wanted to hibernate... anyone ever notice them act like they want to hibernate just because of the seasons change, even if theyre indoors ??? does that make sense ???

btw chelvis.. love your caimen lizard !!!!! very cool.. what kind of collar are you using for bosco in that picture ? doesnt look like a harness??? i see everyone with neat harnesses on their tegus, i was wondering if you guys could tell me what brands you use ? i have a crappy XXL ""leash"" leather harness thing, that is difficult to get over my tegu plus he doesnt seem to like it much... it seems some of these material harnesses i see some people have on their tegus on this site seem alot more comfortable for them. i dont want my tegu to be uncomfortable i wanna get one like you guys have !

You could have that cage temperature at 100 degrees all day and night, all year long, and your tegu could STILL HIBERNATE if it wanted to. Tegus are one of the few reptiles that can't often be manipulated in or out of hibernation--they do what they want, when they want to do it.

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