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need advice /help with red tegu (long post)


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5 Year Member
ok i havent been on this site in months but use to be a regular ... my red tegu got real sick a few months ago basicly he was very sluggish and weak to the point i almost thought he was dead a few times... this started slowly and i thought it was just hibernation but i made a vet appointment and within a week things got much worse he was so still at some times u could pick em up and not know he was alive . he stopped eating also... so i took em to the vet and the vet said he could of ate something bad like a old mouse or something and the vet said it would cost a lot of money to try to figure out exactly what was wrong with him so best approach is to treat for possibley whats wrong with him and hope for the best. i spent almost 160 dollars and we did a de wormer and some type of injections for 2 weeks. the vet also said he most likely would die and my best bet was to euthanize him if he dont respond to the meds. i was also instructed to force feed him some ensure once a day...so a few weeks went by and there was no change but i did not want to give up yet... here we are now months later and hes doing better but hes still weak and slow... he tries to eat a little here and there but not much and hes mostly underground but when he does come out hes very slow and weak at climbing his rock.

im basicly looking for advice and what could possibly be wrong with him , i dont have the money to go to another vet my dog recently got sick and that setting me back almost 800 dollars.
he is a varnyard red tegu i got him in august or sept 2009 so hes not that old . my cage is set up properly its 4 by 2 which is plenty big for him for now and i have the powersun 100 wat for heat and uvb uva... i have cocunut husk as subtrate. i feed him ground turkey with cod liver oil , mice , ground beef , scrambled eggs , fruit once a month or so , beef liver , chicken hearts... etc.... vet said he doesnt have metabolic bone disease.....

also i contacted bobby and he said to give the tegu some activia yogurt but i offered it many many times and he refused it... sorry for long post but any advise is appreciated and please no negative comments i feel horrible enough as it is and i want my little guy to get better


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5 Year Member
Hang in there man, I know how you feel... My tegu and I just went through a rough patch with metronidazole-immune mutated flagellates and consequential mbd. Proper vet care is crucial...

My first thought is flagellates or other intestinal parasites as they often cause the sluggish behavior you're describing. It would help to get a CBC done as that would detect blood issues relatively inexpensively.

A few questions:
are you sure he's been seen by a competent herp vet?
How do his stools look?
What dewormer was he treated with and at what dosage?
Has he had a recent fecal smear?

As far as cost goes, a good vet would only charge $90 for a CBC and $12 for a fecal smear. $140 for dewormer and advice sounds a bit up there...


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5 Year Member
he dont have stool often because he hardly eats but they look normal the few times .... i guess the vet wasnt that good but people said he was the best in the area there are a few more but there all even more expensive then he was.... he was 60 dollars just for the exam and 90 something for meds.... the other place i called was 80 just for a exam , i just dont have that money right now


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5 Year Member
I'd recommend taking the next stool he produces in for examination; They shouldn't charge an exam fee. Any other recommendations guys?


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5 Year Member
i guess once i have extra cash ill contact another vet and see if theyll work with me.... any other advice? he took a few bites of ground beef yesterday but didnt swallow it kinda just chewed it and let it fall i think he likes turkey much better it was the lean ground beef i had some left over and gave some to my tegus along with some scrambled egg my black and white didnt eat any other but she ate 2 big mice the day before

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