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Life is bittersweet


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Life is just so crazy...I have always heard that death comes in three's. Well, my good friend just passed Weds night. Its 12am here friday and I just got the call at 10pm on thurs. A few hours have gone by and I am still just in shock. He moved to California but we managed to stay close with phone calls. I was suppose to have gone out there this summer. He was only out there for a year and has been taken already. He lost control on his motorcycle. I had a panic attack for about a half hour which sucked. Anyways...its weird because between Dorton, Jimski and myself, that makes 3 very close deaths. I will not ask why...I will just remember how great our time shared was.


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5 Year Member
yea the past 2 years have sucked tremendously for me... august 2006 , my grandpa died... which sucked... it was one of the tuffest things i have gone threw... not the death, but seeing someone so rock solid and the backbone of your family be reduced to nothing and so weak and fragile... and then recently about a month or 2 ago, my great aunt died... i wasnt that close with her, but seeing my mother and grandmother the way they where really sucked... then new years eve... my friends dad went missing, they still havent found him, not sure if he is dead or just split... and then the most recent thing that happend was that the 16th a kid i went to school with, but graduated 2 years before me. died in iraq... when it rains it pores... sorry to hear about your friend dorton. all i can say is, chin up bro, things will get better. i wish you and your friend the best and i am sorry to hear about it..

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