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KDK, you got duped, unless you had seen pics before hand and agreed to accept if you did, I think its your fault. If you did not see the pic and it was represented as an Argentine then that was wrong on his behalf.

Either way this roller coaster has made me dizzy, and I believe this will be my last post on the subject.


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Mike got raked over pretty good, he deserved every bit of it. It was his mistake and he just did not want or care to make it right.

Dave, contact J&J Reptiles, tell him I sent you, ask him what you need to do about getting one of his argentines and then let me know.


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Dave I need you to talk to me, do you have room for another tegu? I am trying to line up a deal to get you a Argentine.


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WOW, this post is providing numbers that are making my head spin----ehh....ok, if this is solved, will someone PLEASE lock this thread?
Oh, and I'm glad you got this worked out, KDK.


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dude, i have been reading this post and the post on the BOI.

i just have a few things to say.

Nat, you said that you can verify and confirm that Mike did indeed offer for the trade back and insist so based on the emails that were sent back and forth, ok maybe you didn't say that. somebody else did. my fault. but you did put that out there, but i've been reading the whole thing here and the BOI (I dont have an account on the BOI), so i'll just post here.

There wasn't anywhere in the emails that Dave said anything about the trade back nor was there anything about Mike offering him the trade back in ANY OF THE EMAIL messages. Mike said he offered the trade back on the PHONE, who can prove that? Only Dave and Mike knows, and if Dave says no, who can prove he's lying?

But it was made clear by Dave that he doesn't want the skink back no more, nor does he want the colombian, he only wants to replace those two with a real argentine B&W tegu. that means that Dave would give back Mike the Colombian tegu AND let Mike keep the monkey tailed skink, all in exchange for ONE REAL ARGENTINE B&W TEGU. that sounds like a pretty good deal for Mike, and Dave would be losing out, although he would get the real argentine tegu that he wanted. that was all he wanted

all right, here's a email i sent him

Hey, the Tegu that you've sent me is very indeed a columbian gold tegu, which is a wild caught animal, and very unfortuanatly, they are only $100 around here, but $20 around other areas, I hope you are enjoying the monkey tail skink, because I don't plan on getting the skink back, I just would like you to take the columbian back, and find me a real Female Argentine Black and White Tegu tyat is around 2 years old Sorry I sound like I'm coming at you like this, but everybody that I've talked to does agree that the tegu that you've traded, is a columbian and I should be getting what I asked for, you did not know so much about the history of this animal, but I do feel that it was not right for me to trade my healthy monkey tail skink that is worth $400 for a columbian gold tegu that is worth $100
again, I'm sorry I came at you like this, but please make time to do this for me
thank you"

and Dave, for real dude, grow some major balls and just stand up for yourself. you were not only being real nice with the trade, you even offered to give the colombian back to Mike AND let him keep your monkey tailed skink just for ONE REAL ARGENTINE TEGU. but since you kept changing your mind about fighting your stance, you made your story sound all twisted and you sounded like you were confused. IF it indeed really happen and he didn't offer you a trade back, state it as it is. it won't hurt.

if he said that he did offer you the trade back, i didn't see any proof that he did, by reading what's on this forum of course and BOI, only trade back offer in read was that he said he did it on the PHONE, i can't confirm that. and if he said he offered it to you through the phone, and you said you have it off and was busy with school and what not, i dont' see how that is possible. i mean it adds up, who can confirm that he did INDEED OFFER YOU THE TRADE BACK THROUGH PHONE??? Nobody.


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my fault for the long post. just had to say what i had to say from what i read. seemed like Dave was scared to take action and that's why his story seemed all fuzzy. thought i'd try and clear it up for him from what i've read.

and Bobby, dude you are awesome man. I commend you for fighting it out for Dave. I was getting kind of mad for you on the BOI board when i thought Dave left you alone to fend for him, but he returned and explained things a bit more.

good lookin out Bobby. way to go.


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playlboi said:
dude, i have been reading this post and the post on the BOI.

i just have a few things to say.

Nat, you said that you can verify and confirm that Mike did indeed offer for the trade back and insist so based on the emails that were sent back and forth, ok maybe you didn't say that. somebody else did. my fault. but you did put that out there, but i've been reading the whole thing here and the BOI (I dont have an account on the BOI), so i'll just post here.

There wasn't anywhere in the emails that Dave said anything about the trade back nor was there anything about Mike offering him the trade back in ANY OF THE EMAIL messages. Mike said he offered the trade back on the PHONE, who can prove that? Only Dave and Mike knows, and if Dave says no, who can prove he's lying?

But it was made clear by Dave that he doesn't want the skink back no more, nor does he want the colombian, he only wants to replace those two with a real argentine B&W tegu. that means that Dave would give back Mike the Colombian tegu AND let Mike keep the monkey tailed skink, all in exchange for ONE REAL ARGENTINE B&W TEGU. that sounds like a pretty good deal for Mike, and Dave would be losing out, although he would get the real argentine tegu that he wanted. that was all he wanted.

I don't really want to respond on here as I figure it should go to the BOI or not at all... I want to clarify something. I am not taking sides because neither person will post the emails in their entirity as I have asked both of them to do repeatedly. I never said that Mike stated through emails that he would be willing to trade back... all I did was confirm that he claimed to have offered to trade back to me over the phone before he knew about the BOI post. I also said that Dave keeps posting responses between him and Mike that state he doesn't want his skink back which suggests to me the possibility that either through email or phone at some point Mike may have offered to return it. OF course, there is the possibility that Dave also stated that in an effort to drop the situation and perhaps was never offered the trade back. I don't know... I have stated to both parties to quit phoning each other and to corrospond through email to reduce the "he said she said" and since no one seems to be following that advice... it is a "he said she said". Honestly I think both parties screwed up and that is why no one wants to post the emails (I was told that up until the night of the trade, all corrospondence was done via email, whether or not that is true I do not know but if it is, why hasn't the BOI seen those emails from either party?).


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yeah, im not getting on you. i just said what i had to say by reading the responses. and i do agree with you that Dave does need to go on the BOI and just take the time to explain everything in its entirety. its their fight but its involving so many outside people. doesnt make sense to me.

again, nothing against you. we shall move on!


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indeed! at this point I chalk it up to be a really great learning experience. I don't like to see anyone go through stress and the emotional roller coaster that has taken place... but it happens unfortunately and if nothing else at the end of the day its a great learning experience for everyone as to how one goes about protecting oneself from the situation that has occured. With that being said, I have contributed all that I can to the conversation and am happily moving on to more pressing matters (such as spending time with my newly awakened blue tongue skinks and finishing my darn essay on Kafka ha ha).

Dave - I would like to publicy say that I hope you haven't taken my probing as a sign of thinking ill of you. I really do just want the truth to come to fruition and guide you in the way of how to go about dealing with a deal gone bad. Hopefully you have seen that a lot of people are rallying around you and also want the best for you. Unfortuneately if you are serious about being a breeder, this won't be the last time you encounter issues in the reptile hobby but at least now you have some of the tools to effectively deal with it. Sooner rather than later this will all be a vague memory. I promise! :bud


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Bobby (or somebody else personally involved in the matter), could you please do us all a big favor, and if this issue has indeed been solved, post the result so all curious in the matter are satisfied (since this has already been a fully public matter.) Also, after the conclusion has been posted, would a mod please lock this thread?

I apologize if I am out of line by requesting this, and if so, Bobby, let me know, and I will leave it alone....I just feel that this has gone on long enough.


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DZLife said:
Bobby (or somebody else personally involved in the matter), could you please do us all a big favor, and if this issue has indeed been solved, post the result so all curious in the matter are satisfied (since this has already been a fully public matter.) Also, after the conclusion has been posted, would a mod please lock this thread?

I apologize if I am out of line by requesting this, and if so, Bobby, let me know, and I will leave it alone....I just feel that this has gone on long enough.

I have no problem keeping this thread updated, however, I do not see a reason to lock it.


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I am sorry guys that I seem a bit hard on the other forum, but I cannot stand a scammer, and the fact that he ripped off a young person just burns me up to no end.


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Its ok Bobby. The last time Mike called me I told him if he honestly wants to get it over with and if he is honest about giving Dave the skink back that he should just go down and drop it off or have a friend drop it off at Dave's house. He has yet to do that. I know if it was me in his spot and I honestly made the mistake that he claims to have made, a week would not have had to go by to correct it.

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