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Is it a problem shed?


New Member
My yearling Argentine b/w has shed his whole body but the base of his tale wont shed. He has a ring of shed around his tale that's been there a few weeks and the rest of his tale wont shed. I've been keeping up on his humidity but I'm worried because he is the biggest pain to get in the bath. Every time I try it's a fight and it always ends in him balancing on his tail with his feet over the edge of the tub. So I've just started spaying him with warm water because he LOVES that. I drench him enough so he can soak in it. Also, I got a really large water bowl and fill it with lukewarm water to see if he would soak himself and he refuses. He just hates water. But I'm worried that his hate for water has caused a problem shed... I'm really worried and I've been thinking about getting a fogger it's just really expensive so I'm waiting for a week without bills. I've been considering taking him to the vet but I wanted to see if there were home remedies before I spent that kind of money. His appetite has also increased I just assumed it was due the winter coming up. He now eats every single day ground turkey with calcium powder, two mice once a week, and scrambled eggs every other day. Please lemme know what I'm doing wrong!!

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Welcome to the site :) . I would recommend varying his diet more with different foods including fruits and veggies. You can also try adding some cod liver oil to his diet. Since he doesn't like baths you can try using a humid hide. Which is just a hide box with substrate in it kept moist, with or without a heating pad under it. Also you can try wringing his tail after a soak with a damp cloth. The tail is usually the last to shed and can take the longest.

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