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housing 2 beasts


New Member
5 Year Member
NOTE: i posted this in another forum, but due to the type of feedback i dont think i posted it in the appropriate location, so im giving it a whirl here! wish me luck!

hey there, so i have a female tegu and just got a large male, the male is only SLIGHTLY larger then the female due to the fact its a male, i have a 6x3x2 custom enclosure as well

the night i first got the male, i put him in with the female. the female at the time was buried under the cypress mulch and the male sniffed around and dug her up, after a little nudging around he violently attacked her several times (it seemed violent, for all i know it could have been the way the breeding process starts) either way, he was biting at her legs and her rear as well as her tail and she was panicking a lot. she was running away instead of defending herself in any way (like she would normally thrash or at least charge momentarily if she felt threatened by me if i had just woken her up and she was very grumpy)

i dont think this is normal because the male would old on for a long time (if she didnt squirm out or bite him back to let go) as well as she was bleeding in a few spots

id really like to think things will work out and that i did not waste my money (as the pet store i got them from is very rude despite the fact i am a regular)

any and all help is GREATLY appreciated, also if i have made the mistake of posting this in the wrong thread, please let me know so i may re-post it in the appropriate location

thank you in advance to all that reply


5 Year Member
I saw the other post and agree with what was said there. What you experienced is aggressive behavior from your male. Not mating behavior.

Are you certain you have a male and a female?

I hope you are not housing the two together as the new one could really do some damage.


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