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hooray tegu finaly eats!!!


New Member
after about 3 weeks or longer my tegu finaly ate! i tried everything, i thought he was trying to hibernate?! he still could be! i was trying everyday 2 offer him diffrent foods and insects but nothing would work, then 2day i cleaned his tank, and tryd a new substrate. i think its eco earth/coco fibre brick, i put him in his new clean viv then added some small hoppers/locusts, he ate about 4!

i have come to the conclusion that tegus are slightly blind or use there tongue for sight rather than there eyes as i think its because the locusts show up white against the dark eco earth.
he has never tryd locusts before, hopefully this has sparked his appetite.

if anyone could give me some appetite/feeding tips please feel free.
also if anyone knows more about there eye sight please feel free to educate me.


New Member
It could just be that your tegu doesn't yet know what to look for when it comes to food. It's probably searching for movement to help it identify a food item, or threat and something difficult to see might make that a challenge. I know that my tegu seems to be able to see me from across the room. If they had poor eyesight, they'd likely be easy prey for animals like hawks, and jaguars in their native environment.


5 Year Member
your tegu might not have wanted to eat anything because it was on that previous substrate. it also depends on what you feed him/her if you got the tegu from bobby as him what it was he fed them when they hatched also i guess it depends on the age of the tegu cause after a year they sort of change there diet from being less carnivorous

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