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Hibernation Help!!


New Member
5 Year Member
Hi Everyone! I just got my baby red tegu 2 days ago. I name him/her Junior.
I chose him because he was very laid back and tame when i pick him up. and i did ask the pet store staff to feed him pinky in front of me to see if he's eatting well. i took him back home and put him in a 6 feet long enclouser. with hides, water bowl, fake plants etc. the enclourse has power sun uvb light and lower watt red heat bulb on each side. (basking spot is 110 and cool side is 84) during the night it was 70 F.

So I took him out yestarday from his burrow around 2pm ( he's not coming out whole day even the temp is alright) and i fed him one hopper FT mice and 6 cricekts dusted. then i put him back and soon he went to burrow himself again. today same thing he's not coming out until i took him out and try to feed him blue burries and butter worms but he didn't take any.

i'm very worried! even i read bobby's care sheet few times and read other posts still i'm not sure if he's healthy or not.... he like to stay on the cool side and his body feels cold when i take him out in the day.

please help !!!



5 Year Member
I am no expert, but I would say turn the lights off, and let the cage get down in the 60's and let the gu hibernate. That is what it sounds like it is trying to do to me. Also, if it is hiding, you don't want to bother it, that stresses them out, and can make them fear you. It sounds like you are off to a good start on temps, and husbandry. You should also not feed it anymore if it is going to hibernate because the food could spoil and rot in the stomach causing the gu to get sick or die. Just my opinion, I could very well be wrong. I am pretty new to all this myself.


New Member
5 Year Member
thank you Kaa, i just couldn't be so sure if he's healthy or not cause i just got him and maybe i'm little over concern... but hopefully someone else whose tegu got same kind of beheivor can share something with us.

and btw, do u know if you can go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thetegu.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thetegu.com/</a><!-- m --> ?

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