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Felony case hinges on if lizard is a 'companion animal'


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5 Year Member
Wtf? How did this topic go all the hellover the place? Lexi, you sure do seem to be getting railed by anyone and everyone lately huh? Sheesh. Well I have no beef with you, so you got one person without an issue. And GT, this ain't the live feeder thread, it was closed for a reason, closed threads are a swift stfu for a subject so don't bully it into another topic.

And ColdThirst is right, screw her, hope she fries. I think it's a little unfair to try and sanction a holier than thou attitude because everyone's upset. This is why Peace Officers and other judicial enforcement workers get a bad rap. Because they think their gun, or their resumee is a 15" prick.


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5 Year Member
Aprilia- HUH??? First, I don't know anything about a feeder thread if there is one out there I didn't participate nor am I trying too. I was just addressing extreme statements and examples made. However, Lexi and I have ironed things out, thanks, btw I'm feeling bullied by you right now :grno

And the "hope she fries" comment is just the extreme and silly statement I enjoy pointing out. Yes, lets, fry, decapitate, execute or whatever a person for hurting, killing or otherwise causing harm to a lizard, animal or human for that matter.

Not sure I get the peace officer, bad rap 15" prick comment. I'm neither if it was directed at me.
:chin :jes

Anyway, as I stated before I don't think her actions are justified, but I think some reactions are equally unjustified, but criminal sanctions could be a whole other thread.... :yik


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5 Year Member
ColdThirst said:
Im getting the feeling that greentriple is in some sort of law-enforcement/corrections organization. :shfo

greentriple is a borderline troll and working on a ban.


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5 Year Member
Lol. Shocker.

Note to rookies, only argue your points in their designated topic area. If you want to post a debatable issue AND ARE WILLING TO PROVIDE VIABLE EVIDENCE AND EXPERIENCE, ask an Admin if it's a good topic. No one has any problem with debates here, we just have to be careful that they do not get out of hand. We want this forum to be somewhere anyone can go to find information about tegus. We do not want it to be some private forum where everyone can just yell at eachother for no reason. It is easy to distinguish the two, nowhere on this site will you see the words n00b roxxors teh l33t and all that. We are adults discussing the proper care of these amazing animals. If you're not an adult, you are also of course welcome. No one should be treated unfairly.

Stop harassing Lexi and Serafim, and stop starting fires gt.

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