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Black and white tegu


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Growth spurts are in the name. Tegus will have periodic growth spurts in which they will put on size fast. I got my Tegu when he was slowing down for the winter in late august so he never experienced them. But in spring when he comes out of hebernation he will grow like a weed.


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Green head? It is the same as the rest of his body but I cant see him right now. How can you see a pic of him?


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5 Year Member
Hi my guy just woke up so is he in hibernation? Im so connfused and getting agravated not knowing anything. He is up but just laying under his tent thingy eyes open


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Then he hasn't begun hibernating yet. Don't worry hibernation can be tricky to understand and it can be tricky to deal with. Basically Tegus during colder months will hibernate like a bear might. Since it is cold now where they come from Argentina most will slow down or begin to hibernate. Depending on the lizard they might just slow down for the winter as in not eat much but still come out occasonally and then some will go in thier hide and sleep for months on end or hibernate. If he is still coming out then he is not in ful hibernation yet. You will have to watch him. If you notice he hasn't come out of his hide for days at a time then he is hibernating. Some tegus never hibernate and just "slow down" for the winter eating and basking little. Im guessing your tegu is either begginning to slow down for hibernation or just slowing down.

Try not too worry too much about it. JUst try to feed him when he comes out. Provide water and keep the lights on until you notice that he hasn't come out for about a week then it will be safe to shut everything off.


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Ok he came out and I gave him raw egg and now he is laying out under the light. Whats weird to me is he i had to feed and give him water like hold it under his chin and he used his toung and scooped the water and little egg.


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joemckeon said:
Ok he came out and I gave him raw egg and now he is laying out under the light. Whats weird to me is he i had to feed and give him water like hold it under his chin and he used his toung and scooped the water and little egg.

when feeding eggs you should boil or scramble them since most chicken eggs are infertile this cuts down the risk of your tegu getting salmenella also some tegus are just funny that way lol mines does the same thing i have to place food near his nose before he will eats and the same wth water


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5 Year Member
I use photobucket... and yes cook those eggs my little guy had no problem eating eggs but every tegu is a little different.

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