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I just got a baby that was really nice and mellow for the first couple of weeks and now that it’s getting close to two months the attitude seems to be changing a bit and he’s a way more skittish and started to bite.
I noticed he got more confident getting used to his enclosure and also having a big shed.
We’ve been doing everything the same as far as setup and treatment from the beginning until now, with the exception of introducing different objects every other day (which he is usually not much interested in).
I wonder if the attitude change is part of growing up, like "testing the waters".

If anyone is used to raise babies T’s and can give me a hint, it’d be nice to know if the attitude change is a common behavior.

Thank you.

Here’s the baby. He’s a blue hybrid around 1 1/2 months old.


I just got a baby that was really nice and mellow for the first couple of weeks and now that it’s getting close to two months the attitude seems to be changing a bit and he’s a way more skittish and started to bite.
I noticed he got more confident getting used to his enclosure and also having a big shed.
We’ve been doing everything the same as far as setup and treatment from the beginning until now, with the exception of introducing different objects every other day (which he is usually not much interested in).
I wonder if the attitude change is part of growing up, like "testing the waters".

If anyone is used to raise babies T’s and can give me a hint, it’d be nice to know if the attitude change is a common behavior.

Thank you.

Here’s the baby. He’s a blue hybrid around 1 1/2 months old. View attachment 16341
He is learning 2 things. 1 his enclosure is his enclosure and maybe #2 if he bites, you leave him alone. Put a smelly unwashed t-shirt into his hide ( this will get him used to your scent & when he bites, DO NOT pull away! He needs to know that biting you is not gonna get him what he wants which is to be left alone. Go into his cage daily to move things around and ignore him while doing so. Also idk what you are feeding him? But tap on the food dish before feeding. No tapping, no food. Also tong feed. He has to come close to you in order to eat. You can also give him a warm bath about 1/2 way up his body and put your hand flat in the water for him to rest on. These are all great bonding techniques. You are much better off taking the bites when he is little rather than when he is larger & can cause some real damage. Always come in from the side to pick him up, coming from above is very Predatory. You can also sit in a dry bathtub & let him climb on you to check you out while you go on your phone or read a book or something. He needs to know you are not gonna eat him. I hope this helps you!! He should be eating everyday at that age so after eating is a great time to hold him & bond.. hungry tegus are grumpy tegus. :)

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