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AP27 said:
I just don't understand why people get so prejudiced against an animal if it has scales..

Lack of exposure, thus lack of education. When there is a lack of knowledge there is a fear of the unknown. When fear of the unknown gets passed down through generation to generation preconceived notions become facts.

You wouldn't see this kind of ban in a country that has more exposure to scales, eight legs, or no legs. In India they worship rats and cobras. It's not uncommon for to walk down the street and see a man with a cobra in basket.

Americans are just plain stupid, just look at their past ( I may be a citizen of this country, but I don't consider my self an American). Indians in the way? Kill them off. African's not white? Enslave them. Buffalo and Wolfs causing us issues? Wipe them out. Threat of losing oil? Bomb a country. The list goes on, I think you see the pattern.


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Compnerd7 said:
Americans are just plain stupid, just look at their past ( I may be a citizen of this country, but I don't consider my self an American). Indians in the way? Kill them off. African's not white? Enslave them. Buffalo and Wolfs causing us issues? Wipe them out. Threat of losing oil? Bomb a country. The list goes on, I think you see the pattern.

You are welcome to leave the country at any time. Insults on America/Americans will not be tolerated.


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5 Year Member
James.w I don't see compnerd's comment as an insult, it's the truth, in fact I feel the same way, most americans don't do research for themselves instead they go based off of what they learn from others, that's why laws like this get passed because people are too ignorant, uneducated, and lazy to stand up for their rights, they tell you its for your good, how can anyone tell me hats good/bad for me?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I don't see it as insult because in majority cases it is true, it may not apply to all americans but to many it fits them well, anytime people are too lazy to fight what they believe in or just acept what ever is taught to them rather than figuring out the truth then they are in fact stupid, stupidity breeds stupidity, it may just be my opinion


reptastic said:
I don't see it as insult because in majority cases it is true, it may not apply to all americans but to many it fits them well, anytime people are too lazy to fight what they believe in or just acept what ever is taught to them rather than figuring out the truth then they are in fact stupid, stupidity breeds stupidity, it may just be my opinion

I think that is a more refined version of what I was trying to get across, thank you.

I don't rank in all Americans as being an ignorant people, especially the members of this board, and our fellow Herp community. Everyone in this thread are flaming against the government, it's ignorant actions, and outraged at peoples ignorance in this country against our hobby; but I get flagged for plainly saying what people are discussing, and thinking?

Saying " You are welcome to leave the country at any time. " seems a bit more "insulting" then what I was just merely pointing out, and expanding on what every one else was saying. If I took it too far, then I apologize.

If we are not allowed to speak our minds about this movement against animals, then you may end up finding yourself becoming the very thing you protest.

I am no terrorist, or American flag burning radical. I mostly wish to remain neutral in this countries affairs. But this country has poked my eye in a figurative since, threatening to take away the main thing in my life that intrigues me, brings me happiness, and pushes me to expand my knowledge and understanding of the life on this Earth.

Dana C

That is what I was saying a bunch of posts ago. We as a reptile community whine but don't put our money where our mouths are. I sent my small check off to USARK. I wonder who else did?
Compnerd7 is wrong in a couple of areas. No one has any issues with Buffalo if they are brucillosius free. Most people, don't have a problem with wolves if their numbers don't decimate other wildlife and domesticated animals. To bring up Africa is just nonsense and is for all intents and purposes ancient history. The oil comment is ridiculous as is the comment about Native Americans...he should read the hisorical accounts and learn a bit. He is correct in that ignorance of the importance of private reptile keepers to the knowledge base on the various species is sadly lacking. Most people have no idea how intelligent lizards are or how beautiful many species of snakes and lizards are. They also have not idea how important private ownership keeps some very rare species intact on the planet.

The question is still, what is everyone willing to do. I suspect Laura, Bubblz, James, Josh and others will write letters and contribute to USARK. I also suspect that most others on this forum and the various other lizard and snake forums will just post "whoa is me" comments but will not go to the bother of actually writing, emailing or calling their congressmen or senators.

If you don't like the legislation people, do something about it. Just posting it here doesn't do squat to let anyone who can make a difference know how you / we feel. Flame me if you will but it is how I feel and I think I am correct.


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5 Year Member
Myself along with other members of a chicago based reptile group, have been calling and writing letters, others have went as far as attending the meeting when the decisions are being made on these bills, what a lot of people need to realize is right now the focal point is on large snakes but then what? Next it will be large lizards then the rest will follow, I try to donate to usark when I can but the most important thitng we can do is educate other people, as long as they don't understand reptiles or their keepers they will side with the legislators when these bills come up, we all play a part in this as keepers both big and small and need to do our part


Dana C said:
If you don't like the legislation people, do something about it. Just posting it here doesn't do squat to let anyone who can make a difference know how you / we feel. Flame me if you will but it is how I feel and I think I am correct.

I think you kind of missed the point of bringing up history's past, and the mentality that was behind certain actions that lead up to today, and remain in today's society.

Anyways, we don't need to argue between each other, that is the last thing we need. I really agree with this point, and in my posts I have been trying to incite some action ( don't think I was clear enough?? ), like a bill to counter act these bans with reasonable demands. Lets make it happen!


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I am going to leave the "America" topic alone. The large snake ban is pretty much said and done, there isn't much that can be done about it.

Not sure if you guys saw, but boa constrictors, reticulated pythons, indian pythons, and the green anaconda have been added to the ban.


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You are correct, DeSchauensee's anaconda and the Beni anaconda were also added.


Dana C said:
That is what I was saying a bunch of posts ago. We as a reptile community whine but don't put our money where our mouths are. I sent my small check off to USARK. I wonder who else did?
Compnerd7 is wrong in a couple of areas. No one has any issues with Buffalo if they are brucillosius free. Most people, don't have a problem with wolves if their numbers don't decimate other wildlife and domesticated animals. To bring up Africa is just nonsense and is for all intents and purposes ancient history. The oil comment is ridiculous as is the comment about Native Americans...he should read the hisorical accounts and learn a bit. He is correct in that ignorance of the importance of private reptile keepers to the knowledge base on the various species is sadly lacking. Most people have no idea how intelligent lizards are or how beautiful many species of snakes and lizards are. They also have not idea how important private ownership keeps some very rare species intact on the planet.

The question is still, what is everyone willing to do. I suspect Laura, Bubblz, James, Josh and others will write letters and contribute to USARK. I also suspect that most others on this forum and the various other lizard and snake forums will just post "whoa is me" comments but will not go to the bother of actually writing, emailing or calling their congressmen or senators.

If you don't like the legislation people, do something about it. Just posting it here doesn't do squat to let anyone who can make a difference know how you / we feel. Flame me if you will but it is how I feel and I think I am correct.

like I tell my children and everyone who whines, Get out and DO something about it.


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got10 said:
Dana C said:
That is what I was saying a bunch of posts ago. We as a reptile community whine but don't put our money where our mouths are. I sent my small check off to USARK. I wonder who else did?
Compnerd7 is wrong in a couple of areas. No one has any issues with Buffalo if they are brucillosius free. Most people, don't have a problem with wolves if their numbers don't decimate other wildlife and domesticated animals. To bring up Africa is just nonsense and is for all intents and purposes ancient history. The oil comment is ridiculous as is the comment about Native Americans...he should read the hisorical accounts and learn a bit. He is correct in that ignorance of the importance of private reptile keepers to the knowledge base on the various species is sadly lacking. Most people have no idea how intelligent lizards are or how beautiful many species of snakes and lizards are. They also have not idea how important private ownership keeps some very rare species intact on the planet.

The question is still, what is everyone willing to do. I suspect Laura, Bubblz, James, Josh and others will write letters and contribute to USARK. I also suspect that most others on this forum and the various other lizard and snake forums will just post "whoa is me" comments but will not go to the bother of actually writing, emailing or calling their congressmen or senators.

If you don't like the legislation people, do something about it. Just posting it here doesn't do squat to let anyone who can make a difference know how you / we feel. Flame me if you will but it is how I feel and I think I am correct.

like I tell my children and everyone who whines, Get out and DO something about it.



1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
As do I. You're right, Dana. I donate to USARK, write and call my Congresspeople as well as the Congresspeople of other states. The problem is that we are a bit outnumbered. :(


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5 Year Member
U know laura I don't think we are outnumbered,i think the problem is not enough people care, we all can be effected whether you keep a single little gecko or a huge breeder, some people just don't realize that, I think the reptile community is a lot larger than we think


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If anyone cares to know, Reptile were dropped from the purposed legislation in Chula Vista. LLL Reptiles made an appearance and spoke on the behalf of not just the reptile shop owner but also on a personal level.

There is hope!


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chelvis said:
If anyone cares to know, Reptile were dropped from the purposed legislation in Chula Vista. LLL Reptiles made an appearance and spoke on the behalf of not just the reptile shop owner but also on a personal level.

There is hope!

That is good to hear.


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It can be done, one of the members of our group here in chicago was able to persuade one of the house reps her in illinois to not stand behind the bill


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I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't think the keeping of giant constrictors should be regulated, because I do. However I don't think it should be illegal to keep them. Instead, we should have a permit process with an annual fee(not per animal) and an annual inspection.

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