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Tegu Won't poop. Other new cage issues.


New Member
Hello everyone. Recently I've moved my 1 year old Tegu, Ghost, to his adult cage, as he is starting to get pretty big. His new enclosure is 8 x 4 foot. his old one was only 4 x 2. His new cage also has a hotter basking spot (ranging from 110-130). the regular temp ranges from low 70's-high 80's. the new cage also has high humidity and moderate UVA levels. so everything looks good there. Despite this i've had several problems since he moved into his new cage last week.

day 1: normal poop and pee. slept in the basking area for some reason. guess he didn't find the hide.

day 2: ate 6 turkey balls (93% lean and mixed with calci and multivitimain). slept in basking area again. no poop or pee

day 3: ate 1 roach. pee and poop. slept in basking area again.

day 4: finally slept in his new hide. I moved his old hide into his new hide so he would get the idea and it seemed to work. no poop or pee

day 5: ate 5 turkey balls mixed with cilantro. didn't wake up until 4pm which is kind of odd. he usually gets up around noon to bask. no poop or pee

day 6: woke up even later. 5:30pm. no poop or pee

day 7: woke up at 2pm, a little better. this is when i started to get worried about him not pooping since it has been 5 days (since day 3)

day 8: from this day forward he's been usually waking up around 2pm.
3 chunks of talapia and 3 grapes for lunch. also gave him a warm bath. mixed an egg yolk with 5 ml of mineral oil laxative in hopes to help his digestion. no pee or poo
slept in basking area AGAIN. idk why he doesn't like his house.

day 9: gave him another egg yolk mixed with 5ml of mineral oil. gave him another bath and some fairly big urates came out, but nothing else.
back to sleeping in humid hide.

day 10(today): 5 turkey balls and egg yolk mixed with 5ml of mineral oil for the third time. gave him another bath. as of yet still no poop.

Basically my biggest concern is the fact he isn't pooping (it's been 7 days now). worried about maybe impaction, but he is still taking food regularly and he passed urates on day 9.
Also he seems to be extra sleepy/lazy lately. Do you guys have any suggestions? My plan was to continue to use mineral oil daily along with baths. And if things keep continuing maybe
eventually take him to the vet?


New Member
day 11: didn't leave his hide at all. slept all day. This is the first time this has happened, I'm a bit worried. Perhaps the change in cage/climate has triggered him to start going into brumation? Could this have to do with him not pooping? I don't want him to brumate if he's impacted.


New Member
Also worth mentioning is that before I moved my tegu to his new cage, I would take him out into a carboard play pen to eat and then poop. but ever since he moved to his full size cage I got rid of the play pen. Maybe he is/was holding his poop in because i wasn't taking him to the play pen, and he got himself impacted?

Can laziness be a sign of impaction? Maybe he isn't beginning brumation at all.


New Member
Day 12: The poop has landed. I decided since the cause of the issue might be that he was holding it (since he usually goes outside his cage), I would let him free roam the house today (for the first time). Was a little nervous to let him finally run around, but he is having alot of fun exploring and has finally made some feces. A pretty large one as well. Hoping he continues to poop regularly. Perhaps letting him roam the house occasionally is the way to go.

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