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Should I Get A Chacoan?

james B

New Member
I was looking at some Chacoans at Tegu Terra, and I was wondering if I should get one. It would really help if I could get some advice ;)
I was looking at some Chacoans at Tegu Terra, and I was wondering if I should get one. It would really help if I could get some advice ;)
You can get them at underground reptiles right now for 150 i got two. Highly recomond they were very tame compared to others i have expericed.


New Member
San Diego
@RickyNo That is an awesome cage! I did construction for years, and that should keep a bear from getting out. There is never overkill when it comes to how you want to build a cage, but when it comes to efficiency and budget, a similar sized cage can be done for less and with less framing.

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
Oh man, thanks to whomever up above that said it can take more than a grand to build one of these things. I was NOT prepared. People told me it was 300-400. Because of that, it took time for us to save up money and supplies and my girl had to live in the bathroom for a while. Thank GOD it was teeny and I could actually get the humidity up over 60, have lights, etc at that time. If you want to get an idea about Tegu's (but you are not a beginner, I was ...this is from a beginners perspective) go to www.wolfystegu.weebly.com Mine was supposed to be Chacoan so we built and planned for that. Given her size now, I know she is not. I didn't go with Ty or TeguTerra unfortunately. I love her to death, she is great. But not what I planned. Oh well.

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
You're actually not crazy. I know a lot of people say they only spent something like 300 dollars in supplies to make an enclosure. I'm not saying they are lying, but they are definitely underestimating the tiny costs that add up. Not to mention if you have no access to used materials. Take a look at my blog... the cost of a cheap, plain box type of enclosure is broken all down. This was a conservative examination. Exact cost is not listed, but the general one is : http://wolfystegu.weebly.com/blog/how-much-money


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
sr3052- Sure, that's a lot of money for most of us, but if you feel it was fair and it works, then you win. I checked out the site. From what I could tell, they should be easy to clean, which is a definite plus for any pet's cage.


Active Member
I built my cage for under $300, but that does not include things like lights and fixtures, substrate and all the other things that add up really quick. Also the price of tools if you don't already have them would be a big part.

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