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Reptile Rescue Legal Troubles


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Well, to get straight to the point, my buddy found a bearded dragon on his property. I took it in temporarily, and ended up passing it on to Mike for rehabilitation. The animal is severely obese.

We have been working on getting it back to health for the last week or so. It has been gradually becoming more active. When we found her, she barely moved around.

Just today, the owner turned up. I don't know anything specific about the owner himself (or herself) but I don't feel right giving the animal back, as I know they aren't going to change the way they take care of her. The original "finder" of the lizard tried to tell the people that the animal was sick, but they wouldn't have any of it.

Legally, what can I do? I can easily get in touch with the local ASPCA, as my father volunteers with them, but what can I say? Will they know enough to understand that the animal is not being cared for properly? I have pictures, and will have Mike take a few more that accurately illustrate just how fat the animal is. When you pick her up, her fat sags way down beneath her....

In addition, she is missing a good portion of her tail, but luckily it seems to have healed well.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the poor thing has organ failure/s in the near future.

I REALLY don't want to simply hand the animal over; it would be like signing its death wish.

Any educated input would be greatly appreciated.


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Well Brooks, who does she belong to?

If your tegu got loose, would you want someone else to keep it and not give it back?


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The only measures you could take is to make sure what the person is saying is true. EX. That it is actually their animal.

I would ask to see the enclosure, ask where it was purchased from and follow up with the dealer, ask for any receipts proving the animal is theirs.

If everything turns out true then you will have to hand over the animal. ASPCA can't really do anything if the animal has food, shelter and water.


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I have to agree with Puff and Bobby. Like Bobby said if it were your lizard you'd want it back. Can't save the world I'm afraid. You could offer to buy it. If that doesn't work then it was destiny. LOL


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look at this...this is after a little over a week of strict dieting


oh, and it's missing a big part of its tail.
that happened before it got loose


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DZLife said:
look at this...this is after a little over a week of strict dieting


oh, and it's missing a big part of its tail.
that happened before it got loose

Sorry Brooks, but its still is not yours to keep, regardless. If you had a fat dog and it went into someones yard, does that make it their dog because they want to put it on a diet? Sorry bro but you are 110% wrong.


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I know...I just wish there was something I could do. We will be returning her soon. I haven't been able to get a hold of the kid.....


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5 Year Member
sorry mate, but there are just way too many beardies in this hobby, many of them suffer, and many have happy lives, and i know its frustrating, but that animal belongs to somebody else and the only right thing that you can do is to return it to it's owner

either way, that animal is not going to live for a very long time, at least it will be put out of it's misery.........................i just realized that i kinda sounded like death right there lol
good luck


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It just seems weird that a bearded dragon would run away. Especially one of that size. He couldn't have been that fast... so how did it get loose in the first place? I dunno, just seems a little weird to me.


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Now just keep to that story lol. Even if you happen to find it. As far as ASPCA, even if they could hit the guy for animal abuse the case would probably not go far. Its very hard to get the justice system to take reptiles serious and its hard for prosecutors to hold their ground. Most that happens is a slap on the wrist. Not from your mom either, kinda like a granny slap where you act like it hurts just so she doesn't annoy you. I have had a few friends whove been in trouble by owning reptiles you arent suppose to. Some owned tons, and most got off with a small fine. Bad for the animals though because they get put down. Just if you find the beardie, keep it and say it got out.

-Jon DeLong

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