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not hungry tegu

Do u Feed hom the same diet everytime u feed? If so try switching up a little sometimes if i give my guy the same thing to many times he seems to get bored so i switch it up here n there... Or maybe burmation? Not sure where u live and if its cold there at the moment. I know sometimes when they go into burmation they hardley eat anything at all. Im not an expert by all means lol... Did he possibly eat someting that could have caused an impaction? Is he going to the bathroom normaly?

Dawn Gaffney

Do u Feed hom the same diet everytime u feed? If so try switching up a little sometimes if i give my guy the same thing to many times he seems to get bored so i switch it up here n there... Or maybe burmation? Not sure where u live and if its cold there at the moment. I know sometimes when they go into burmation they hardley eat anything at all. Im not an expert by all means lol... Did he possibly eat someting that could have caused an impaction? Is he going to the bathroom normaly?
Thanx for all your input. He is going regularly, it looks like healthy poop. I’ve tried many different meats, not ham, I heard that’s really bad. I’ve also tried egg, salmon, shrimp , and the tegu canned food. Nothing. He’s very active and he has no bloating. I make sure he drinks and even let him swim, which induced him to poop, lol. He has some crickets in his tank, he actually grabbed one the other day., but he usually ignores them. They at least enjoy his food, lol. He went from eating w/ tenacity, to shunning his food. If he doesn’t eat soon, he’s going to see a vet. Btw, it’s late spring, early summer here. Thanx again, I do appreciate any advice
As long as hes going to the bathroom i wouldnt worry to much try hornworms mine go crazy for them mine dont like shrimp or crab either. Try quail they usually love that also mine loves sardines. Hope he eats soon for you

Dawn Gaffney

As long as hes going to the bathroom i wouldnt worry to much try hornworms mine go crazy for them mine dont like shrimp or crab either. Try quail they usually love that also mine loves sardines. Hope he eats soon for you
He use to love the hornworms, but I will try them again, and the other suggestions. Thank you very much


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5 Year Member
Could also be that he's processing food a little slower despite growth and needs another day or so to poop. Regardless, some variety is important for gealth and stimulation.


New Member
New Tegu owner here, just adopted/rescued yesterday. Female, approximately 5 months old. I asked his original owner when the last time he fed her was and he told me about 2 days ago. All the research I had done told me that Julvenile Tegu's need to eat everyday, so I as a little worried about that and tried to feed her not long after we got back home with her. I served a mixture of Mango, Hardboiled Egg & Mealworms and she wasn't interested. I thought the same, that she was a little stressed out having a new environment. So today, I tried the same meal and still no luck... I was getting concerned because this was going on day 3 now of no food. I just found this forum and after reading this post and all of the comments, I decided to give Hornworms a try. IT WORKED !! She took it immediately ! Ahhh ! I'm so happy she ate something !

Here's my question though, I read that my Tegu should be served as much food as she can eat in a 1 hour time period. She devours these Hornworms in just a few seconds and I only have about 6 of them left right now. How many of these should I give her ? Just keep feeding them until she eats them all ?


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Nice going. While growing, especially the first year, you want them to eat their fill.

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