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My Tegu seems to be looking for something


New Member
hey everyone!

Don’t know if anyone has experienced this but I have chucked it up as him just being active on a full belly. However I still want to share and check if anyone else has noticed this.

After I feed him and spend time socializing with him on my bed, I put him back in his tank and he basks for a little while...then all of a sudden he starts looking (smelling) for something lol. Constant flicks of the tongue and roaming from one side of the tank to the other, some digging happens during too and I swear he has moments of “no it’s not there” as if he lost his keys and he’s looking for them. It doesn’t happen super fast it’s a steady roam so maybe he’s looking for a good place to dig and go to sleep or maybe he’s just bored but the slight frantic-ness of it makes me feel like he smells something he can’t find and it’s driving him crazy. That’s what I’m hoping is not the case.

Let me know if this sounds familiar or if it’s just regular Tegu behavior.

His name is Falkor and he’s a 2 month old chacoan. I’ve had him since he was 1 week old

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