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How do i clean a cage that a savannah monitor died in?


New Member
To Disinfect a cage use a 10% bleach and hot water solution or you can go to a vet that specializes in reptiles and purchase the cleaner /disinfectant from the vet . Now for the savannah monitor that died a few things were wrong the first being you purchase a sick savannah monitor,the second you kept it in the same conditions as the pet store ,you did not do any research to see exactly what temperature monitors require for both basking and cool ends of the enclosure ,humidity levels etc..... .I have a 2 foot water monitor his enclosure is set up as follows basking spot is 130 degrees f cool end of enclosure is at 85 f heat is provided by a zoo med 100 watt MVB ,a zoo med 10.0 flourescent bulb is at the cool end of the enclosure, i am using a cypress mulch coco fiber mix for substrate because monitors love to dig , i have a FR stack under the MVB so the water monitor can have different levels of heat as it wants and needs it ,a ultra therm heat mat connect to a helix thermostat set at 95 degrees f to supply heat at night when the lights are off . I also have a misting system installed in the enclosure to not only provide humidity but to mimic the water monitors natural environment .

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