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Building trust with a Colombian?


So lately I havent relaxed a bit on taking him out of the enclosure as I can tell it stresses him out. I have been trying a different approach of taking things slowly, just petting him in his enclosure, maybe taking him out for a soak or to poop in the bathroom, but no real "handling" outside of the enclosure. Also, lately I have successfully been tong feeding him. Would you say this is the way to do it? I have heard others say handle as much as possible while others say treat them like a monitor and move very slowly with things by tong feeding, moving things in enclosure, etc...

Kyle Trent

New Member
I just got my first tegu, he is a Columbian that is about 18 inches long and has never been handled or anything just feed. He has bitten me a few times a couple of which I had to get stitches. Is there anyway that I can work with him best, when I actually have him in my hands he is fine just when I get him out of his enclosure that is when the fight is on. Please help

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