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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I advise a vet trip. Sounds like early calcium deficiency. Easy for doc to fix. Imperitive for health of the tegu.
I advise a vet trip. Sounds like early calcium deficiency. Easy for doc to fix. Imperitive for health of the tegu.
He said it was just soft tissue damage and his bones felt normal. “Probably just got an owie” He’s giving is anti inflammatory meds and he said that he’s being fed great and looks to be very healthy


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Toes and tail twitching alarm me. Classic signs of calcium deficiency, rickets in humans. I shared my opinion. Beyond that, your call.
Toes and tail twitching alarm me. Classic signs of calcium deficiency, rickets in humans. I shared my opinion. Beyond that, your call.
Not tail twitching. Wiggling, he said it’s a defense mechanism to lure things or make sure they go for the tail instead of the body.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Didn’t you see the leg movements?
Yes. Not unusual to me.

Apart from your genuine concern (you care alot), a trip to a vet qualified regarding exotics is a good move for new herps for general reasons- parasites, calcium deficiency, etc. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, as someone famous said.
Yes. Not unusual to me.

Apart from your genuine concern (you care alot), a trip to a vet qualified regarding exotics is a good move for new herps for general reasons- parasites, calcium deficiency, etc. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, as someone famous said.
Ok thanks. Just sent the second video for good measure


5 Year Member
If you have a good reptile vet, I’d still have him looked over and then you can ask all these questions. The Reptisun 10.0 is good for about 6 months, then should be replaced even if it hasn’t burned out... UVB light is very important At this young age. Blue tegus tend to run a bit smaller than b&ws so size isn’t too concerning at this point.
If you have a good reptile vet, I’d still have him looked over and then you can ask all these questions. The Reptisun 10.0 is good for about 6 months, then should be replaced even if it hasn’t burned out... UVB light is very important At this young age. Blue tegus tend to run a bit smaller than b&ws so size isn’t too concerning at this point.
He did get a look over he said no problems with calcium just an injury
He did get a look over he said no problems with calcium just an injury
I asked all the above questions but I still want foresight from long time tegu keepers. In your opinion does it look like calcium problems or not? Soft tissue damage was the vets word. I have him under reptisun 10.0 and he has calcium supplements daily. I think that if twitching is more severe in one leg than the other why would it be MBD? Isn’t mbd usually a even through the lizard? I have been keeping bearded dragons for 5 years that’s just what I’ve seen. But I have never had problems with MBD before..
I asked all the above questions but I still want foresight from long time tegu keepers. In your opinion does it look like calcium problems or not? Soft tissue damage was the vets word. I have him under reptisun 10.0 and he has calcium supplements daily. I think that if twitching is more severe in one leg than the other why would it be MBD? Isn’t mbd usually a even through the lizard? I have been keeping bearded dragons for 5 years that’s just what I’ve seen. But I have never had problems with MBD before..
To me it seems like more of contractions than twitches.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I asked all the above questions but I still want foresight from long time tegu keepers. In your opinion does it look like calcium problems or not? Soft tissue damage was the vets word. I have him under reptisun 10.0 and he has calcium supplements daily. I think that if twitching is more severe in one leg than the other why would it be MBD? Isn’t mbd usually a even through the lizard? I have been keeping bearded dragons for 5 years that’s just what I’ve seen. But I have never had problems with MBD before..
The movements of his legs in the videos does not look like MBD to me,.

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