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Big step backwards with my rhino


Last Friday my son and I came home and I let my rhino out of his cage. I did not realize that the my dog's kennel was not totally latched closed. I have to mini doxies and a chihuahua. I was in th kichen I hear barking and my son yelling they are killing the lizard. Of course I run like a maniac into the other room. I end up slipping and falling cutting open the side of my wrist. I did not notice until after I got my dogs in their kennel and Niko my rhino back in his enclosure.He was uninjured physically except a small scratch on his tail. I am pretty sure what happened is my dogs went to check niko out and he may have gotten defensive with them and they went after him. After I got back from the ER with stiches I went to check on Niko he was obviously very stressed and opened his mouth at me but did not bite. I have finally been able to put my hand in the enclosure to stroke him. He has never allowed me to lift him up Since the incident he hides up on the high shelf in his enlosure alot more in the dark. He has never eaten as much as others say theirs do but he really is not eating now. He does not look like he has lost weight and he does have normal poops. I am so worried about him he did come out the other day to roam a bit but I worry about him hiding on the shelf so much and not eating as much as usual.


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5 Year Member
man that sucks, and those rhinos can be as nontrusting as an old man with scars. I got in a car accident with my giant tegu marble and he freaked out alot, running franticly around in the car and when i took him out of the car he was really figety which wasnt normal. he is now back to normal after he slept almost a whole week after the accident. Good luck with the rhino, I had a young one once and my gf made me take it back since it was half mean. I got to handle him without injury when i had him and them i took him to the store......thats when he bit me


Thanks. When I went to check on him he was lying on his poop up on the shelf. When he let me pck him up of course I was worried since he does care for that. My mazuri got here I gave him some he took a few very small bites. Whenever he sees my dogs he gives them a death stare.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Wow sorry to hear what happened, it was a tramatic experience for him, it will take some time but he should come back around once he feels safe again, hope your wrist heals up nicely


New Member
Are rhino's really that iffy, I only ask because teguboys let me pick him up,hung out on my shoulder, my head,did really well being handled. Just didn't peg them as a jumpy lizard.


New Member
Sounds traumatic for him. I am a vet tech and I hate when little dogs come flying at my annkles which I think is way worse than a big dog lifting there lip! Imagine how he must feel. I think your doing the right thing, give him time sounds like hes coming around a little
More everyday.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
new2tegus said:
Are rhino's really that iffy, I only ask because teguboys let me pick him up,hung out on my shoulder, my head,did really well being handled. Just didn't peg them as a jumpy lizard.

They can be, especially smaller ones, some will cal down around 2 y/o some earlier, with my rhino i could hand feed him but i couldnt pet him let alone pick him up, its a process when he first came if i even looked at him he darted to his hide, he was 8 mos old, i know a guy who has one thats 6 or 7 years old and his is a calm as can be, he got some pics of him sleeping with his son who is like a year younger it pretty awesome


He has chilled out again he does not like me to pick him up be I only have had him 2 weeks I have to approach him slowly though. He just does not how down like everyone else's maybe because he is 18 months. He does a good sized poop everyday but just picks at what I put in including mazuri. I know it must have been traumatic I think my dog went to see what he was and he probably tried to whip them and my dog got defensive. Strange they ae so good around my larger lizards but if they are under 3 feet they get very riled up.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Do you know were the previous owner got him from I ask because he should be around 20-21 mos old, all the cyclura breeders i see hatch their cycluras in October, Im just curious Thats all, glad to hear all is well


5 Year Member
Darn sorry to hear about what happen to you and your rhino,hope things are better now.As far as rhino's i believe every rhino is a bit different at least from my exsperience,that was a tramatic experience for your rhino for sure,he'll most likely come around just right now he's in a new home and now the dogs gave him a scare,he should be ok.Rhino's seem to be nervous lizards as is especially as they are juvi's.My rhino is pretty docile even if someone else tries to pet him but he doesnt care for my dog either lol,again patience i really think is the key with these awsome lizards.That what i do with my rhino and hes pretty docile even as a juvi,but i dont try to force myself on him either.Not saying anybody else does just my opinoin.


He got it from lizard comapny? I think that is what he said maybe he is older. I think he was kind of guessing it was not from a breeder probably a reptile store. He has started coming out his cage again he charges around the house then makes a get away to his cage. I think he is testing to see if he can keep getting back in his cage right away pretty smart. I really don't bug him when he is out that I ignore him if he walks by or I walk by him. I did this with my tegu tonka and I can pick him up now whenever I feel like it and sometimes he will just rest his head on my shoulders and cuddle a bit then he is off exploring. he is over 2 feet so he is easy to keep track of.
herpgirl2510 said:
He got it from lizard comapny? I think that is what he said maybe he is older. I think he was kind of guessing it was not from a breeder probably a reptile store. He has started coming out his cage again he charges around the house then makes a get away to his cage. I think he is testing to see if he can keep getting back in his cage right away pretty smart. I really don't bug him when he is out that I ignore him if he walks by or I walk by him. I did this with my tegu tonka and I can pick him up now whenever I feel like it and sometimes he will just rest his head on my shoulders and cuddle a bit then he is off exploring. my rhino is over 2 feet so he is easy to keep track of.
I am thinking Oliver for a name.


a couple weeks ago i took mine to a reptile/exoic vet in salt lake city. It was 1 1/2 hour drive one way . I wanted to meet the vet and to see if whe would be good enough to treat my rhino , if need . she was great !! she had a list of ? a mile long i had to answer pertaning to reptiles . Every ? was right on the money . she had never had a Rhino come into her practice and was excoited whne she heard he was coming . You would have though a rock star and come . she went on and on about how beautiful he was and heathy . She was as good as begging me to bring him back fro a check up in 6 months . BUT the trip down and back had my rhino so stressed , it took him two days to get back on track and eat good again . So , i can see your being stressed for days . I would not let him see the dogs for while if possible . My Rhino freezes and gets very pissed when he see's my dogs go buy the basement window in his room .


No way to keep the dogs away my house has large doorways on the first floor so there are no doors except to my bedroom and my huge savannah enlosure is in there.


Its better I cut out the stitches last night so the cut was swelling over tehm and was beoming quite uncomfortable. I figure it's better I got the injury instead of oliver.


5 Year Member
Well again from my exsperience rhino's being as nervous as they are they seem to stress easy,mine isnt real bad with my dog but has hissed at him before when i first got him,but is alittle better when my dog walks buy his cage,still doesnt care for him,but my dog dog doesnt even care to pay attention to my rhino or any of the lizards i had in the past,i had a big savannah a couple years back and it hated my dog hiss very loud whip at him lol.


herpgirl2510 said:
Its better I cut out the stitches last night so the cut was swelling over tehm and was beoming quite uncomfortable. I figure it's better I got the injury instead of oliver.

ouch !!!:mad::(

You should see mine this morning , he's not a happy camper , He's shedding all over his feet , stomach and head and face and he does not look happy .


New Member
herpgirl2510 said:
I figure it's better I got the injury instead of oliver.

That's where I get off the bus. I have a rule in my house. You bite me, I bite you! LOL seriously I am not into taking bites or injuries. Over the 30 some years I have had reptiles I have only been bitten once. Now my wife and kids, that's another story :)

That's a nice Rhino you have I almost bought him. I think he is going to be real nice. He will get over it in time.


5 Year Member
Yeah i've been bitten bye my reptiles about 5 times or some most my fault once not my fault in 22 years of keeping reptiles,use both have very nice rhino's i cant wait to see how all are rhino's turn out,i really like the fact we keep updates and post them on here very cool.I keep updates logged in on paper on mt rhino how big,how old etc.

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