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bearded dragon help please.


New Member
reacently put new baby bearded dragon in tank qith larger maleee andd male keep trying too matee and broke her armm when i came on dayy can apply pressuree but doesnt usee what doo i do??
andd i have them in 4x2 tank soo roon isnt an issue


New Member
Well, are you certain its broken and not sprained or injured? I would say isolate it and observe for a few hours. How much of a size difference was there between the two dragons?

4x2x2....Is enough for a pair or trio, I kept my trio in a vision cage that size. I also had a lot of issues with dominant males and had to keep them separate from my females.

Sorry its not to much help.
Good luck!


New Member
this are my brothesrs dragon i think its sprained she can put pressure on it and when i take her a bath she moves it fine and alot put hes six months and she around 3 but he soo big he shed like every day . but they are fine allday expect when he hits her with his nose then she open her mouth and hell bak away idk its 4x2x3 alot to climb on the males 18in and female aroun 11in


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Are you sure its a female and not another male? I don't think its broke if she can put pressure on it. If you can I'd try to keep them separate for a little while so you can keep an eye on her and make sure shes able to heal properly. If shes stressed it might take longer.


New Member
she not strees tho she fine she bask she active loving her greens and grubing crickets and wax worms i hope we got her from a well known breeder as a"female" yea we had the tank split but she always found a way to get over and be with him we couldnt stop it so we put them together


New Member
My curiosity is piqued when you say the male may be trying to mate with her... She will not have reached sexual maturity yet, and so the male probably won't even identify with her as a "female." More like an IT, if that makes sense.

Are you sure it's mating behavior, or is he trying to EAT her? :s

Sounds to me like he may have gotten her arm in his mouth and taken a good chomp...


New Member
no im not sure what happen to her arm it was just cover in blood one and we washed it and put neosporn on it kinda look like she hurt a scale but the way she acting he had to do something with her.. i thought that too but he is a bigg mamba ganba lol seriously and he gets pissed when i touch her or take her out he loook at like as like if he was saying wait till i get bigger ima eat your ass lol he hates me


New Member
Sounds like too big of a zize difference to me, and I have had stressed beardies eat with no problem.

Tail nips and biting limbs is not a mating act, its dominance related. I doubt that its looking at the "female" as prey. Although at 11 inches its like what was said above, not mature yet and should absolutely be kept separate from a mature male. If the male does mount the "female" it could damage her reproductive parts.


New Member
but he doesnt bite or even go for her tail he hits her with his nose like near her bak leg and only walks up too her and licks her and shet get mad. we didnt see him bite her we came home assuming he did it also runn after her in the cage but when he catches up he doesnt do anything but do what i said


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I agree they need to be seperated asap, i too Dont think he was trying to mate, chances are he was just showing her that this is his territory and he is the alpha in charge.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I have a rescue dragon that can't use his front arm, is missing a large portion of tail, and has to eat a soft diet from jaqw damage. He was kept with a larger dragon that beat him up constantly. Just separate them. She's too young and small to breed anyway. She's going to end up damaged, stress, and health compromised from early breeding.


New Member
laurarfl said:
I have a rescue dragon that can't use his front arm, is missing a large portion of tail, and has to eat a soft diet from jaqw damage. He was kept with a larger dragon that beat him up constantly. Just separate them. She's too young and small to breed anyway. She's going to end up damaged, stress, and health compromised from early breeding.

we gunn asplit the cage again whe you say cant use his fron arm like totally or does it kinda walk with it? she can use it when she walks and swim when i bath her just not when shes chillin

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