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Baby tegus


New Member
I'm looking at getting two baby Tegus and i'm wondering if I can keep them to start off in a 40 gallon together. I have looked around and found that keeping tegus together is ok providing that they are the same size. Can anyone confirm please or should I go ahead and try to get another 40 gallon tank to separate them.


Active Member
I'm not too sure on the cohabbing portion but I will say a 40 gallon won't work at all, not for a single tegu and definitely not for a pair of tegus. A 40 gallon is normally around 36 inches, a tegu can easily grow to 20 inches in a single month if properly cared for. You can sort of see the problem there.
I'd go no lower than a 4x2x2 for a baby tegu, with that size of an enclosure it actually will last you a year at the very most before needing to upgrade rather than only a few weeks or a month. At least with a single tegu that is, I assume pairs need even more space.

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