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Any color or hybrid arg tegus of breeding age wanted

JBW Exotics

New Member
I havent been able to get on my site to update it in almost a year, it was supposed to be canceled. If you want to hear about some of the results of some of the experiments, and some that I havent written the research proposals for, give me a call.
AdrianPaul said:
I went to this guys website and it is full of pseudo-science- mambo jumbo. I love how he lists these "secret projects, that can not be disclosed at this time". Its like when a kid that thinks Star Trek or Star Wars is real and then tries to design experiments and talk about the science of fictional made up stuff.


this guy is too unintelligent to know when to back off and know he wont get his dismembered apparation of a tegu cuz no one who cares about their pet will give it away for this stupid science and btw color morphs can only be kept thru inbreeding so when "if" he got the tegu and bred it with the other he would also have to inbreed the hatchlings to keep the morph gene their


New Member
BS all BS!
I see you as a start up wannabe breeder that will take any short cut to achieve his goal with no compassion towards the animals what so ever.

JBW Exotics said:
I'm trying to get animals that others may not want b/c they are damaged, sick, etc. b/c this will be my first year with a female old enough to breed and I'm excited to see what my first babys will look like, and I can save that animal and ensure its genetic potential has a chance not be lost. Send me an animal that needs a heart transplant and I have the knowlege to do it. I live for science and have studied biology, chemistry, medicine, biomedical engineering, microbiolgy, genetics, evolution, etc. for most of my life and I love it. Im only 29 and have already made more of an impact in science than many w a doctorate twice my age. There is a daylilly named in my honor and am about to publish a paper on my research to see if fish eggs have the same plasticity as amphibian eggs when posed to threat of disease/predation. If i can isolate the biochemical factors that cause the speed of egg developement it can be used to lessen time to hatch, and the fish/herp industry will be impacted drastically. I got on the comp to review a reaction i need to use to stop a metabolite of a molecule im using to increase electron availability (energy transport) in all organisms from signalling cells to slow/die, which will impact all life including you, your animals, plants, bacteria, etc. and I end up wasting my time defending myself from someone who has nothing better to do than insult someone else. Thanks a lot.


New Member
" send me an animal that needs a heart transplant and I have the knowledge to do it". That really let's me know he is either the village idiot or genuine psychotic. Lets me guess...he also will win the next American Idol.

JBW Exotics

New Member
AdrianPaul said:
" send me an animal that needs a heart transplant and I have the knowledge to do it". That really let's me know he is either the village idiot or genuine psychotic. Lets me guess...he also will win the next American Idol.

Wow! What an IDIOT! I'm medically trained & could save you & your animals life! Hope you cry when I dont sell my tegus to you! I've got tegus & knowledge you'd give both your gd nuts for. Remove me from this forum b/c most of you are dumbass mfs!

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