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Another Free tegu contest!!


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5 Year Member
Also, crimsonrazac had a very nice picture, however he just got his tegu and it would not be fair to the ones that did not get them yet.

Thanks for the comment Bobby. Just wanted to show him off :p Once I saw Beasty's picture I knew I had lost for sure lol.


5 Year Member
:jadr Schweet!!
Too awesome! Thanks soo much!!
I really like The Captain's pix as well and figured it'd be a toss-up. (LOVE the extreme Extreme close-up!)
I like seeing everyone's photos on here, it's half the reason I sign on daily. I'm about to sign up for my BA in Communications with emphasis in Graphic & Web Design and 3D Animation(provided it's ALL funded somehow) and photography and video is in the mix as well so be looking for some decent quality pix and vid to be coming in the near future as I figure out my equipment better.

Thanks again folks for looking and I'll be calling you shortly, Bobby.

:fiwo :plot2 :fiwo


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5 Year Member
Will there be this same contest next year. Congrats beasty. If i was in your situation i would get a female extreme so you could have trio. I will work extra hard this year to get my tegu up to size and color so i can win.

The captain

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5 Year Member

I dont think that is up to the owner. I got a tegu that was brown and black and took excellent care of it. He grew like they all did, but as you can see he is no where near beasties. The color is up to the parents haha.


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5 Year Member
i know but i still think if you give a healthy diet it can make a slight difference. But ya most of it is genetics.


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VenomVipe said:
i know but i still think if you give a healthy diet it can make a slight difference. But ya most of it is genetics.

I really doubt you will win. There will be a lot of people with second generation Extrem Giants and if I'm not mistaken your getting a normal right? I'm not putting Normals down but Extrems are the best of the best.


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5 Year Member
Oh i know but i can still try. Im also getting one of the best pairs babies of normals. And alot people are so ill have to take photography classes. lol


5 Year Member
VenomVipe said:
Will there be this same contest next year. Congrats beasty. If i was in your situation i would get a female extreme so you could have trio.
Well, that WAS my intention, actually but as it turns out the contest was for choice of any SEX between a black and white or red, not ANY tegu as I had focused on.
Also, my pair turns out to be a pair of boys! Can't win all the time, especially when sexing hatchlings, unfortunately for me. In light of such, I wanted to trade up my win for an Extreme with added cash to make the difference. No such luck. Snow x Sleet babies have been long sold out for this season. Which is the only selection I can use for breeding Extremes. :hifit
So, I guess to be able to breed at all any time soon I'll have to go all hybrid.(w/o buying breeders elsewhere) It sux for me but someone's gonna have to do it sooner or later. I'm getting a high white Roy x Purdy female(I hope) to go with the contest winning photo's subject. Those should make some awesome looking babies even if they are hybrids.
The other Male Extreme (Snow x Sleet offspring) is now for sale here and locally as well as on other websites. If he doesn't sell within the next two weeks or less I'll look into kingsnake.com and sell him there. I'm more than certain he will got insanely fast on there at a higher rate than you guys would be asked to pay. SO, if you are looking for an Extreme male, I have a 24" 110% male for $350 shipped overnight to your door!
Posted yesterday locally and have 200 hits already, I expect to sell by next week. So, in short, if you're interested, you'd better jump!

Thanks for the congrats folks! I'll post pix of my "prize" when she gets here.


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5 Year Member
Have you considered Blizard and Sugar babies? Are they sold out? They are supposed to be the best of the best. But if you have to go with with a normal Roy x Purdy is the way to go. Or maybe Sky. As far as white heads go they are the best( or at least that ive seen). If your looking for the highest white possible ive seen pictures of Roy x Sky offspring on the Ms Purdy and others post and they are super high white and creamy. I hope for mine to develop that but he is from Purdy so no one really knows what Purdy has in her potential. Some stuck to it safe and got Sky and some took the gamble with Purdy( like myself). I think this was Sky's last year so Bobby held some back according to Tux. Either way they both are awesome and mine looks great and I will have some picks up soon.


5 Year Member
My babies were the same lineage as Blizard and Sugar. Can't mix 'em, that'd be inbreeding.
I'm getting a Roy x Purdy as the Sky babies are gone. He has a few he's holding and I can't have one, SO, Purdy it is.


5 Year Member
Interesting. BOTH my Extremes have kinks in their tail.
Bobby defends his non-inbreeding standards to the death.
He'd be pretty upset that people would talk trash on him like that.
BUT I can see where that idea would come from.

The captain

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5 Year Member
The people who say its inbreeding are just making a guess.
I really don't know how the heck you can be the only person in the world with extremes and not inbreed them.

I guess ill take his word for what it is. I didn't know you had kinked 'gu's too.


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5 Year Member
I believe it takes several generations of inbreeding before any bad things happen. I think sometimes when you have several baby tegus in the same enclosure they nip at tails and that could have caused it or any other accident that may have happened while very young.

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