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A couple of pics of my female


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5 Year Member
Just a random pic from her in the yard yesterday. I had a bunch more, but they accidentally got reased when uploading :cry:

She went outside in the grass for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago, and all went well for a little bit. After I let her down and let her walk around for a little bit she kinda went into the wild animal mindset for a couple of minutes. She started snorting, and blew up like she was really pissed. It caught me off guard due to the fact she had never acted like that...ever! She was even twitching her tail like she wanted to be sure it was ready to whip if needed. I reached down and grabbed her, she freaked out, started death rolling, and even opened her mouth in an attempt to get away!
I just held her to keep her from getting injured, or biting me and after a minute or so she calmed right back down.
We are working towards another outing, but for now it just consists of us sitting on the back porch and enjoying the sun.


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