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2 Tegu's hanging out together


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OK, this isn't earth shattering. No pictures.

I got home today to find our 3 year old male Blue laying in his own excrement. STINKY!!! So I gave him a bath. Our 6 year old male Red was up for the first time in 4 days so I gave him a bath afterwards. I'm packing for a camping trip this weekend (Boy Scouts) so the 2 were walking around on their own for about an hour.

When the Blue gets tired or cold he hides under the couch. It's easy to find him. The Red usually walks around looking for food, first the dog food then the cat food, etc.

After not seeing them for an hour I started looking around. I found them both hiding under the couch next to each other!!! :hug I'm not sure if they've even met before but I guess it went well.

Now if the female Blue would just "play nice".


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5 Year Member
Too cool Dave!! As for the female, they way she made that nest, and how she is being mean to the other tegus sure sounds like she thought she had a clutch. But the females can be touchy at times, maybe she is going through a phase.


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5 Year Member
Too cool Dave!! As for the female, they way she made that nest, and how she is being mean to the other tegus sure sounds like she thought she had a clutch. But the females can be touchy at times, maybe she is going through a phase.
I think she's just a BEETCH!!!

I'm not sure if she's met our big Red. She might think twice about bullying a Tegu twice her size!!!

At least it looks like the 2 boys get along well. We'll see how they do another time.

If I don't post during the day tomorrow, I'll be back maybe late Sunday or sometime Monday. Gotta freeze my ass off winter camping, in a cabin. It's supposed to get down to 15 degrees with wind chill of zero!!

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