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Recent content by JakesJayas

  1. J

    HELP. Housing Ideas!!!

    Good point man, I'm just going to build a 6 x 3 x 3 for my current female, and when i get a male i will build him a 7x3x3
  2. J

    HELP. Housing Ideas!!!

    Hey TeguBuzz! I watch your vid's! just commented on one today! and Okay sounds good! Ill stick with one tegu for now and worry about building a second enclosure when i get a second tegu if i do!:D
  3. J

    HELP. Housing Ideas!!!

    LOL yes well now theirs a pic! And how about a 7 x 3 x 3 for a female and male?
  4. J

    HELP. Housing Ideas!!!

    ive already made the decision on using melamine but thanks for the reply tho!
  5. J

    HELP. Housing Ideas!!!

    Hey guys! New too the forum and new to tegu keeping! Just got my Arg. B & W Tegu a few days ago, she's still a young one. I wanna get started on her cage very soon thought(adult cage) because i soon want to get a second tegu! So i was wondering if a 6 x 4 x4 would be good for possibly 2 adult...
  6. J

    Show off your Colombians :)

    wow skoobz looks kinda argentinish, might have some argentine in him, id get that checked. that would be a gem of an animal in my opinion;);)