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Recent content by DWReptiles

  1. D

    Godzilla's thread

    Hey I was wondering where you got your tegu? I got mine from Johnny from teguterra, I bought him at 2.5 months so maybe they are related!
  2. D

    New Tegu! Names?

    Well the cage is complete! I might have to add more lights to the cool side but the eco earth/ reptibark mixture is still drying. :D I will post some pictures of him when he gets here tommorow. He is in a 6 L x 2W x 3 High aquarium. tell me if i need to add/remove anything.
  3. D

    New Tegu! Names?

    Hello everybody you all know getting a new reptile is very exciting! I ordered an Argentine black and white Tegu from Johnny from Tegu terra, well the only downside for when getting a new pet is naming it... well that is why I have you wonderful people to help me! Id love to see pictures of...
  4. D

    New tegu from tegu terra

    hey ozzz im new to this forum, anyways I ordered a Argentine black and white tegu from johnny at teguterra aswel. I am getting him Thursday and am wondering if you can post some pics of your baby. I also was wondering if he calmed down since you got him. Thanks!