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Recent content by Mishaaa

  1. Mishaaa

    My tegu seems to be a meat eater..

    My guy will not touch fruit or veggies alone. He hates them. So what I do is I take chunks of fruit and put them in the center of his turkey balls. He doesn't even notice. Fruits and veggies are important in a tegu's diet because they hold necessary vitamins and trace minerals. Try hiding them...
  2. Mishaaa

    Something I've been wondering about.

    Take him to the vet and get a fecal test. He could possibly have an intestinal parasite that is causing his lack of want for food. Everything else seems within range, but the basking temperature may be too high. Make sure he also has proper ventilation.
  3. Mishaaa

    New tegu mommy HELP!

    Your little one is looking great! That shine to the skin means there has been improvement. Keep it up! I use a calcium with D3 supplement, but it is not to be used with every meal as snibborsirk said. I use mine with every other meal. In humans, exposure to natural sunlight helps our bodes...
  4. Mishaaa

    Day Two of owning a Tegu

    Welcome! I too am allergic to pretty much all furry animals and I've always loved reptiles. I started off with bearded dragons (I currently have two) and I got my tegu 1.5 years ago. All the research you did will help! Just keep your temperature and humidity in a healthy range and make sure...
  5. Mishaaa

    Hello from the Netherlands

    Welcome! You will love having one of these guys. With proper care and handling, they are so happy and friendly. I paid roughly around $300 for mine. I hope your tegu search goes well!
  6. Mishaaa

    Help! Tegu Shedding Problems

    Hey guys! Thank you for the help. Mojo had a vet appointment today and it turns out that he has an active infection. I will be applying a topical as well as administering injections every few days. If any of you guys experience having skin breakage like this with your little one, a vet is the...
  7. Mishaaa

    Help! Tegu Shedding Problems

    I heard about fish oil! I ordered cod liver oil for his turkey blend and I will be using it 1-2 times a week. Thanks a ton!
  8. Mishaaa

    Help! Tegu Shedding Problems

    I used coconut oil for two days and it actually made it worse :( But we had a vet appointment today and he will be all taken care of. Thank you!
  9. Mishaaa

    Hello from FL!

    I have had him for just about a year now. He's the biggest sweetheart! He's a year and a half at the moment, he was about a year old in that picture.
  10. Mishaaa

    New tegu mommy HELP!

    I would take her to a vet for a check-up. Most vets will cost $0-100 for a first appointment. Make sure your humidity and heat are at the correct temperatures. Mist her throughout the day so she can remain hydrated. She may have been dehydrated, and depending on how long she has been...
  11. Mishaaa

    New tegu. Couple questions.

    This seems to be normal. When I first got my guy it took him over 2 months to really get used to me. Now he is full of energy, walks around like he owns the place, and loves my attention. I would keep doing what your doing. Keep the feeding consistent and make sure the husbandry is optimal...
  12. Mishaaa

    Tegu meals

    I use ground turkey with a calcium supplement as a staple. My guy eats every other day and I buy fruits and vegetables weekly. A varied diet is very important. I mix his turkey together with the calcium powder. Then I will add in small bits of fresh fruit and vegetable, such as a variety of...
  13. Mishaaa

    HELP! POOPing problems :(

    If this is a male, it could have been his hemipenes. When my guy has a bowel movement, he pushes his out and drags them just for a second. It's normal! If this is not the case, I would take him to the vet asap!
  14. Mishaaa

    Hello from FL!

    Hi, guys! I am new to Tegu Talk and I am happy to be a part of a tegu loving community. I have a 1.5 year old tegu named Mojo-Jo-Jo (I just call him Mojo) and I have two bearded dragons. These little guys are my favorite thing to come home to. They get better love and care than most people I...
  15. Mishaaa

    Help! Tegu Shedding Problems

    Hi guys! I am new to Tegu Talk and I am looking for some advice. My tegu is about 1.5 years old and this is the first time I have had any shedding issues. He seems to have a stubborn shed on his tail which seems to be common, but he just started a second shed. His back seems to look slightly...