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Recent content by Arcus

  1. A

    First time tegu owner for 4 months now, what am I doing wrong and what am I doing right?

    No offense taken, but I really don't know what else to do. I was to a point where I couldn't even open the door to his enclosure without him trying to get out and biting at my fingers, so what, I'm suppose to just let him sit in a cage full of his own feces forever? He proved just how bad of a...
  2. A

    First time tegu owner for 4 months now, what am I doing wrong and what am I doing right?

    Good lord, this is getting so difficult, I'm having no luck rehoming him so I'm doing my best to continue to care for him. I went ahead and moved him into his own room since it was becoming impossible to care for him in the enclosure. The first 3 days he was very skittish, hiding or staying away...
  3. A

    Free to good home, b&w argentine tegu, D.C. area

    Really need to find someone, the only reptile sanctuary in the area has this sentence on their surrender page, so I don't really feel I trust them. "Sometimes the best option for sick, injured, or aggressive reptiles is humane euthanasia." What the heck, how is euthanasia the best option for an...
  4. A

    Free to good home, b&w argentine tegu, D.C. area

    No, not yet. Also, I posted a question regarding my continued care for him until I can find him a new home I'd like some opinions on over in my tegu taming thread, if anyone could share their thoughts...
  5. A

    First time tegu owner for 4 months now, what am I doing wrong and what am I doing right?

    I'm still looking to rehome him/her and trying to get in contact with some local reptile shelters, but I wanted to run something by you guys for continued care until I can. Since it's becoming incredibly difficult to clean their enclosure and other basic maintenance without Orrin trying to bite...
  6. A

    Free to good home, b&w argentine tegu, D.C. area

    I don't know anything about shipping a reptile, so I'm asking for local pickup only. Orrin is my b&w tegu ive had a little over half a year now, his exact age is unknown, gender unknown, I received him from LLLReptile. Unfortunately Orrin's been very skiddish and defensive since I got him, ive...
  7. A

    First time tegu owner for 4 months now, what am I doing wrong and what am I doing right?

    I've reached my breaking point, I swear ive tried everything and he's only getting worse, and today when i opened his enclosure to give him a plate of food he jumped and latched onto my fingers ripping them apart, including penetrating the fingernails. and then completely ignored the food that...
  8. A

    First time tegu owner for 4 months now, what am I doing wrong and what am I doing right?

    Just a small update, still no luck.. tried the glove thing and he got even more aggressive/defensive when i had them on like they were some monster coming after him, and today he launched from the other side of the cage and bit me when i went to give him some water. Just trying to take care of...
  9. A

    First time tegu owner for 4 months now, what am I doing wrong and what am I doing right?

    Hi guys, been lurking for a while but thought it was time to be a member.. and even though I know it's asked all the time, I need help. Orrin is my argentine b&w tegu I ordered from LLLReptile on 10/7/14, I don't know his exact age or gender as it wasnt provided.. but he's been very "don't...