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hello, I have new b/w crossed with red Tegu. We recently purchased him/her at a reptile show in Sacramento. I am aware Tegus can hibernate. I also understand they also just sleep a day or two at at as they approach hibernation.

As a new owner, I want to learn everything I can and properly care for my Tegu. So, important questions i have. Is it to early for hibernation? I understand white and black Tegu often go into hibernation later and stay longer than Reds...

Should I be, gently, waking my Tegu for food, socialization, and sunlight since it's still early? I'd certainly like another month or so with it before I say sleep tight.

I keep my Tegu in a room that stays about 80 degrees. i have a 100 W uva A/B basking lamp that is on 8 hours a day in 4 hour segments. I know if he or she is indeed going to into hibernation I need to place him/her into a cooler environment (50-70).

In short, i'd like another month with my Tegu. So it can get to know me and I him/her. Am I okay waking it daily to begin establishing a routine?

I have uploaded an image of Falcor and my setup. He's in the largest cage, the others are tarantulas.
the collection 10-2-18.jpg

Thanks for any help, links to answers, or just taking the time to read this.


N. Bassett


When you first get them, they may only come out a few days a week. They may not be hibernating. If they are hibernating they will refusing food, so that is a key indicator, even if its warm out and you have not adjusted the lighting. Feel free to bug them and interact as long as they are eating.

I had a red that was hatched in december some how, it basically brumated till may, and only ate and came out once or twice a week. Still doubled in weight over that time period. Still was the worlds shortest 6 month old tegu though :)

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