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Newly moved tegu. Thoughts on behavior?


Hey tegutalk. I just moved my 2 year old boy in with me after months of commuting to the house of his previous owner to care for him. The 1st few days he was full of energy and where normally because of the season he was only active for a few hours a day he was out eagerly exploring everything for hours at a time. Now he's slowed down to a concerning degree and I've noticed isn't properly basking. His basking spot is at the same temperature range it was at his old house (115-130 degrees) and in the same place/orientation but he lays on the outskirts of it or next to it in the dirt. He will go and flop in the dirt some distance away and when I feel his body it's still a bit cold because he was laying on the outskirts of his basking light. There have been some new changes to his enclosure including a dropped ceiling with 4 big tube uvbs on a timed dimmer and a difficulty with keeping humidity up to its usual levels. Is he just stressed/ adapting to his new home and I should approach this with a lighter touch or should I get the vet involved?


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5 Year Member
IMO your spot on, the behavior of your Tegu is D "All the above". There are a lot of changes to its housing, environment, new sounds, smells etc. When you move the Tegu from your friends house to your house it didn't forget how to bask. I believe there's something it isn't familiar with or doesn't trust. I'd say give it sometime and let him/her come around. However in the meantime focus on how to resolve your humidity issue. proper humidity is as or maybe more essential than lighting!


IMO your spot on, the behavior of your Tegu is D "All the above". There are a lot of changes to its housing, environment, new sounds, smells etc. When you move the Tegu from your friends house to your house it didn't forget how to bask. I believe there's something it isn't familiar with or doesn't trust. I'd say give it sometime and let him/her come around. However in the meantime focus on how to resolve your humidity issue. proper humidity is as or maybe more essential than lighting!
Hey thanks for this! He's been doing well and basks normally now. I think what helped is covering that side of his enclosure with a blanket so he wouldn't feel so 'exposed' when basking.

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