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First Tegu named Ted Bundy?


Hi everybody. I am new to the Tegu world after convincing my wife that they are less demanding than rhino iguanas haha. Very excited, a little nervous, but have a couple snakes and a blue tongue skink that have given me a little more confidence as I venture into this. Our little guy is from Rose City Reptiles' HD line, 1.0.

The diet is the one thing that has been a fun challenge. I found a local San Diegan dog food store that sells local raw food items, so that was a bonus. I got him ground lamb, rabbit, duck, beef and chicken, most all of those being whole prey items, and one that is just organ meats. They have more options and seem like a good stop for this thing. I think I got 7lbs of meat for around $40. I also picked up a bag of shrimp and some pinkies. I have regular free range eggs, as well as quail eggs I plan to offer maybe every couple of weeks so he doesn't get too used to that life. I have a bluey diet I have started to incorporate just a little until his Mazuri insectivore diet arrives. Not going to do live bugs by choice and read a good article about some long-term breeders who start their babies out on pinkies right away and never feed bugs, so I am not worried.

Fruits I got cantaloupe, papaya, frozen berries, etc. Just give him a little piece each day of something different. Greens are kale, collard, dandelion and swiss chard. Again, just a few strips mixed in with his meat until he grows up a little. Considering cod liver oil, so might pick some of that up here soon.

Today is only day two, but we are going to hang out a bit. He was on my shoulder taking pieces of rabbit from my hand, which amazed me. I am sure his temperament will change, but excited to be a part of the large lizard community and hope for minimal complications.




Active Member
It sounds like you are off to a fantastic start! Congratulations on that handsome little baby & welcome to the both of you :) Love RoseCity.

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