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Fatty and Easy to Digest?


New Member
5 Year Member
My monitor just got over a roundworm infestation and I need something easy to digest and fatty to get her weight back! She's a very picky eater and HATES phoenix worms, which is what I typically use with sick/recovering reptiles. I'd also like it to be fairly healthy at the same time. I don't want to feed her a pinky/fuzzy because of all of the hair and bones, nor would I give her any meal worms due to the calcium:phosphorous ratio and the chitin levels. I really don't know much about wax worms, and I don't know of any place that sells night crawlers out here. Maji didn't seem to show much interest in crickets the last time I offered them to her, and our roaches are still too small for her to even consider looking at them. So, what else is there that she may like to eat? She does like wax worms and meal worms, but I wont feed her meal worms, and I don't know much about wax worms, so info on them would be good too!


New Member
bones in pinkies are almost non existent and they are super high in fat. I would give him a couple pinkies and see how he does.


New Member
5 Year Member
Thank you very much! I'm on my way to the pet store right now with a nice shopping list for all of my animals!

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